This post was taken from another thread dealing with kernel modules and may be helpful for building kernel module extensions.
For those new to kernel building on TC, here is a simple and convenient example way of dealing with the kernel source. You can create a directory on one of your hard drive partitions, say /mnt/hda5, and call it src or a name of your liking. Then download the kernel source linux-2.6.26.tar.{gz,bz2} and place it in that directory. Have the compile extension loaded and do something like this:
# mkdir /mnt/hda5/src
# cp linux-2.6.26.tar.gz /mnt/hda5/src/
# cd /mnt/hda5/src
# tar xzvf linux-2.6.26.tar.gz
# ln -s linux-2.6.26 linux #personal preference
# mkdir /usr/src
# mount --bind /mnt/hda5/src /usr/src
# cd /usr/src/linux
# make mrproper # a recommended step even for a newly untarred source,
# cp /path/to/config-2.6.26-tinycore /usr/src/linux/.config # do this after any running of 'make mrproper' as 'make mrproper' will wipe your .config
# make menuconfig # Make your kernel config choices here
# make all # or "make modules" for just building modules
# make modules_install # or make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/somewhere to install them elsewhere
If you want the kernel image itself, it resides in /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage. You can copy it from there. Make modules_install installs the modules to /lib/modules/... . Find the modules in /lib/modules being sure to also get their dependencies. Be sure to run "depmod -a" before you try to use the modules on the currently running system or on later reboot unless they are part of a .tcem extension. Hope this may help those who have not built a TC kernel but would like to.
I have not applied the boot image patch slnce it does not affect modules.
After a reboot, you can make the source directory on /mnt/hda5/src part of your system again by just doing this:
# mkdir /usr/src
# mount --bind /mnt/hda5/src /usr/src