You are just telling stories instead sharing what you are doing really. Without knowing commands and scripts you are using do not expect answer.
Your issue is not related to Tiny Core but a generic how to build kernel. Internet is full with docs, blogs and forums with the proper answer. Please do not spam here.
I thought my last post was all about what I am doing

including exact commands. There aren't many of them. Let me see, these are listed exactly
cd kernel
tar -xJ -f linux-3.16.6.txz
cd linux-3.16.6
patch -p1 < ../fbcondecor.patch
cp ../config-3.16.6-tinycore ./.config
[make oldconfig] (one time I did it one time not)
make menuconfig
make -j2 all
mkdir initrd
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/home/tc/Codez/kernel/linux-3.16.6/initrd modules_install firmware_install
PROFIT! Oh... I mean...
If you name THIS "telling stories", then... um... I can't imagine what you consider as "sharing what I am doing". Maybe... I had a tea when making this?
I didn't spill it onto my keyboard, really!But, yeah. You're right. It's a generic issue. All but one. It's a TC patched kernel I am building and it's a TC Wiki manual I am reading. So, I'll do the simplest. I'll build a regular linux-3.16.6 kernel taking look into some else manual and look is the problem still there
