Do you plan to ... experiment with Tiny Core,
or do you want to use Tiny Core as ... operating system?
In fact that's
a disadvantage of using a virtual machine, you don't get TC working as your main operating system.
If you need to start using a new operation system here and now, a virtual machine is no option for you.
But to my opinion in nearly
any other case using a virtual machine is better for a newcomer than starting with usb and far better than using partitions.
Even if your target is usb or dual boot, first using a virtual machine brakes down the learning process, first step you learn how to handle TC and second step you can deal with specific questions of usb or partitions.
Both, usb and partitions, aren't trivial at all. Setting up usb can be problematic if you don't have a working internet connection during setup. And working on partitions can easily result in crashing your system and loosing all your data.
The Windows overhead has always drastically slowed down the OS being tested when i have done it, and many features of the OS were hard for me to use in the virtual machine.
That isn't my experience at all when using modern hardware.
True a virtual machine probably will be a little bit slower. Maybe somebody could post comparative measurements.
Calling TC homepage on my PC in Firefox seems to take about 0.2 sec in Windows and about 0.3 sec in a virtual machine hosted on Windows. That's 50% slower but nevertheless doesn't matter as 0.3 sec is fast enough for a nice user experience.
On the other hand using a virtual machine has got amazing advantages.
1. You don't need to waste time in learing new techniques like usb boot or resizing partitions but can
start immediately just by installing the virtual machine.
2. You can
work in parallel, you can go on using the system you are accustomed to and at the same time start working with TC Linux on the virtual machine. Thus you get an easy learning curve which might result in switching one day to a main TC Linux system.
3. You get a level of
top web security no other solution comes up to, as the virtual machine offers the possibility to block out web risks by isolating them. Just use two virtual machines, one for crazy browsing and one for banking and no attacker triggered by crazy browsing can reach your real computer or your bank account.