Updated import.tcz is now available for the Allwinner port.
Change log:
* import directory is now official and is auto created under the tcedir
* debian package master index is maintained via zsync for faster and much improved import results
* modules and libs are better support for extensions.
* reduced redundancy for scanning and downloading packages.
* Support for import scripts. Import scripts create or merge with startup script, .i.e., postinst
* import program supports -i and -b after testing, i.e., import without flags, test run from import directory, and then run import again with flags, only the copy/merge to tce/optional will occur.
See the new updated README for a sample use and discussion of import:
http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/armv7/README.txtThese changes should provide for a much improved import experience from the vast Debian repository.