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Need help with unofficial TCE
Ah thanks for the tip to use flpicsee, I did not notice that one when I looked for Viewnior and such. So I give it a try.
Re swapfile, I have in the boot menu now noswap to force it to not do a swap in case it do it.
I got the impression that it even automatically made a swapfile maybe? It says something like that when one boot up and shut down? IIRC.
I've tested both the persistence and the backup and both do seems to work. Not sure.
But I am not used to TCE enough to get around how one do things.
So what I want is to download and install kmaps, Firefox, VLC, Flpicsee, getflash9, and one or two more.
oops the virtual piano something.
But I maybe do something wrong. When boot up they only exists on the local and I have to rebuild them each time but the good thing is that they remember settings like FF did remember how to go to TCE and Puppy and DW and LQ and so on. Very handy.
I can understand that TCE wants to be true to its vision and not be bloated the way I want it to be.
The reason that I want what I describe are my extremely poor memory and impatience.
When I boot up everything should be there. FF, VLC Flpicsee etc. My version of TCE as I prefer it should be ready to do what I set it up to do.
But to do that needs knowledge. Which I don't have and are very bad at eachieving. Took me a year to set up Puppy linux in that way. I'm a slow learner.
But TCE is ideal in that it start out so small and fast and can do things none of the Ubuntu and Arch and others can not do for a newbie that fail to learn. At least the unofficial by SVOlli could do it.
So if your rules prohibit that we talk about it in threads then I need to find others that use it and find another place to talk about it. LinuxQuestions most likely. They have a forum for distros and TCE sure is a Linux Distro. Very unique one too. I like that it is so unique. Sadly I am not bright enough to use it like you guys do.
tinypoodle: Hence the term "maybe", truth of the matter is with 1Gb of RAM he should not
need a swap file. I mention it for anyone else reading this thread who is RAM challenged,
and because it is mentioned in the installation instructions on the home page.
I prefer to have a swap partition, even though I have enough ram to run the computer without it. It is beneficial when dealing with large files, or doing a number of different things at once.
People with smaller ram, need swap.
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My statement was not meant to refer to the need/usefulness of swap or not (not necessarily redundant even with 1 GB RAM, IMHO), but to the need/usefulness of a dedicated swap partition (versus file) or not.
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