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Need help with unofficial TCE

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To use the official one, since you have multiple partitions, I suggest you format the partition with Ext3. That makes it simple. If you are not familiar with partitioning and formatting, I suggest you download Parted Magic, to do it.

I use Grub legacy, not Grub4dos. This is similar to what I use.

title     Tiny Core 3.5rc1
root    (hd0,0)
kernel   /tc3.5rc1/bzImage quiet opt=hda1 tce=hda1 home=hda1
initrd   /tc3.5rc1/tinycore.gz

There may be some differences with grub4dos.

--- Quote ---How does one set up persistence in frugal install on the official?
--- End quote ---

Primarily by using opt=hda1 tce=hda1 home=hda1 in Grub. There is also backup, which you can use for persistence in any directory other than tce, opt or home. Later, when you understand more, you can learn how to modify extensions instead of using backup.

To install applications (you need to be connected to the internet), start App Browser, click connect, then click on an application you want to install, and click Go.

To be easy to start, apps should be On Boot or On Demand. You can select this when installing, or make modifications later using Apps Audit.

I use:
gpicview for images.
epdfview for pdf files
xfburn for burning cds and dvds.

You can remove apps. So you can install several and see which you like.

There are some ideas for starting.

Don't be concerned about asking questions. There are helpful people here.

I think you will really like Tiny Core as you learn more about it.

Hi newbody
Since you are booting from sda3 that suggests that you already have a seperate
partition that Tinycore is running from. IF that is correct AND IF you are comfortable
using a partitioning tool I would clear that partition and if it's large enough maybe
split it so that you can have a swap file on a seperate partition. If you have any setup
files or personal files you want, copy then onto pen drive with a FAT filesystem on it.
Then if you go to the Tinycore homepage under install, steps 4 and 5 will tell you how
to do a proper install to a hard drive. BE SURE TO SUBSTITUTE THE CORRECT DRIVE INFO
FOR YOUR SYSTEM IN THE INSTRUCTIONS. NTFS is NOT a native file system for a Linux
operating system, and forcing it to run on NTFS is probably slowing it down. Once that
is done, if you want to access the NTFS partition from Tinycore, there is an NTFS support
package you can install.

[EDIT]: I see Guy got in ahead of me. If you don't like Epdfview, Foxit is the nicest PDF
           viewer I've seen running under Linux, very nice.


--- Quote from: newbody on February 04, 2011, 03:13:47 PM ---But when I boot up the Firefox is not there but are on the HDD through the Appbrowser so I don't need to go on the internet to find it but it take a relatively long time to start up compared to starting it from Puppy.

--- End quote ---
Expectable, it is the speed difference between a block device (HDD) filesystem and tmpfs (shared memory). You could achieve the same speed as with Puppy by using a comparable method, i.e. running TC in default mode ("cloud" mode).

--- Quote ---I have no idea what gif, jpg picture viewer to load down.
--- End quote ---

flpicsee integrates well.


--- Quote from: Guy on February 04, 2011, 03:44:14 PM ---
--- Quote ---How does one set up persistence in frugal install on the official?
--- End quote ---

Primarily by using opt=hda1 tce=hda1 home=hda1 in Grub. There is also backup, which you can use for persistence in any directory other than tce, opt or home.

--- End quote ---

backup works perfectly well for opt and home - and IIRC those are partially resp. fully included in backup by default.
IMHO debatable if opt=hda1 home=hda1 would still qualify as "frugal install".


--- Quote from: Rich on February 04, 2011, 03:53:18 PM ---IF that is correct AND IF you are comfortable using a partitioning tool I would clear that partition and if it's large enough maybe split it so that you can have a swap file on a seperate partition.

--- End quote ---

With recent kernel versions there is no expectable performance gain by having a dedicated swap partition.
TC base includes a tool to create a swapfile.


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