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Need help with unofficial TCE
The link he gives fails
In this thread Topic: The Full Core and The Lite Core
He by the rules are supposed to give a link to where one can talk about the disto.
He gives this link
Update: a thread for discussion has been created here:
That one fails. Maybe the rules did not allow it?
There is not talk there on his own site where I did download it and it works well too.
But he does link back to this thread where he presented it.
But that link seems to not be related to topic=7128.0 that he claim is where I should post any question or praise.
So Should I PM him if that is okay or should I do what?
[edit: see list and rules]
I need help to create persistence on a NTFS HDD 250GB on an Acer Aspire D250 with Atom N270 Netbook
Mainly to get FireFox and Flashplayer to be there when I want to use TCE.
Here is my menu.lst in grub4dos
--- Quote ---title TinyCore 3.4.1 with ntfs-3g opt=sda3 max_loop=256
find --set-root /tce/release/tinycoreplus.gz
kernel /tce/release/bzImage tinycore tce=sda3 home=sda3 /mnt/sda3/tce lang=se
initrd /tce/release/tinycoreplus.gz
--- End quote ---
I know too little so I did not put in opt=sda3 max_loop=256
Was that the part that create the persistence file?
Do you know if this work as well?
title TinyCore 3.4.1 with ntfs-3g
root (hd0,2)
kernel /tce/release/bzImage tinycore tce=sda3 home=sda3 /mnt/sda3/tce opt=sda3 max_loop=256
initrd /tce/release/tinycoreplus.gz
Being a non official I did not dare to ask all this in the TC place. I am not so used to this forum and how you guys react to mistakes us newbies does. Every forum have their own dos and don'ts.
Looking forward to your friendly responses.
I have not used grub4dos.
I think you can remove /mnt/sda3/tce and max_loop=256
max_loop is not needed since version 3.
I don't see any reason for /mnt/sda3/tce
The team may not be happy discussing non-official releases here.
Why not use the official release?
Hi Guy, Thanks for advice on what is needed on the boot kernel line.
Well I did try to follow the rules but the links failed so I asked for help what to do.
Re the why not the official one.
The unofficial does support frugal install on NTFS
Does the official do that?
The unofficial maybe is easier to use due to it having already preinstalled things that a beginner donä't even know the name of.
It booted while the official did not boot. So I did try tthe official first but felt too embarrassed to ask here how to boot it because I fear you guys say. Not adviceable to do frugal on NTFS with read write.
So didn't want to get criticized for daring.
How does one set up persistence in frugal install on the official?
I did read and read and it was too technical for me to grasp. What should I have on the kernel line in grub for it to work?
Hi newbody
Before you start messing with your hard drive you may want to consider booting from
a pen drive. If you have access to a machine with a CD drive, download the Tinycore
ISO file and burn it to a CD. Boot up the CD and when the desktop shows up click on
the ControlPanel icon. Plug a pen drive into a USB port, THE PEN DRIVE WILL BE WIPED
option option, read the window that pops up and select ZIP and follow the directions
given in that window. Shut down that machine, remove the pen drive and plug it into
your netbook. Turn on the netbook, go into the bios, and find the boot options menu.
Select boot USB first, save, exit. The netbook should now boot up Tinycore. Call up
appbrowser and install any desired apps.
Thanks Rich, I trust that is good advice generally but I have already messed a lot with my HDD installing Puppy linux, Archiso, Slitaz, Slabix, AntiX, and others me don't remember at the moment.
Are you sure that TCE has a less competent NTFS-3g or what the name is?
I use the unofficial one that use the standard NTFS program I hope.
I'm writing from within that TCE now and have Swedish through Finland example in the kmaps from the FAQ Seems to work well. % is in right place "!" even & and / and () But alt Gr + don't work though. *' does work åäö ü ï not sure how to do tilde though so I am very satisfied and it seems to remember from reboots too which is a huge relief.
But when I boot up the Firefox is not there but are on the HDD through the Appbrowser so I don't need to go on the internet to find it but it take a relatively long time to start up compared to starting it from Puppy.
And VLC failed Alsa sound so I need to update that one. Have no idea what to dowload though.
But I have come a long way to get a working system thanks to SvOlli.
I can edit the menu.lst not sure if I can move files around have not dared.
So what else? I have no idea what gif, jpg picture viewer to load down.
I did a look through the whole repository but I am not used to all the names there so have no idea which one to use. Which is the Best or next best of them?
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