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Author Topic: Making TC persistant  (Read 4291 times)

Offline sam0010

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Making TC persistant
« on: December 28, 2009, 05:22:12 PM »
I have installed TC to a harddrive partition using the installation guide. It boots but any application I install is not persistent.  It seem as if I need to set a boot code but when I try to load boot codes at the boot prompt I get:  IO APIC RESOURCES COULD NOT BE ALLOCATED.  I would appreciate if someone would help me make my applications persistent.  Thanks.

Offline JoXo009

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Re: Making TC persistant
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 07:19:10 PM »
I have installed TC to a harddrive partition using the installation guide  ...

If your install is not persistent it's sure that
you didn't really follow the installation guide.

It's not easy to do more than 20 steps without a single typo. Newcomers often have to try two to three times till they succeed.

Fastest way to solve your problem: Do the install again.

If you want to invest time in understanding the background, you have to be aware that TC stores its extensions in the tce directory.

On boot TC autoscans for that directory and creates a new (non persistent, temporary) one if no tce dir is found.

To be persistent the tce dir needs to be living on a storage device like a hard drive.

If your hard drive partition is mounted to
open a root terminal and enter the command
mkdir -p /mnt/hda1/tce
reboot and extensions will be permanent.

If your harddrive partition has got a different name
change 'hda1' correspondingly.

By the way, using TC may be easier to learn when installed as guest system within a virtual machine like Sun's Virtual Box.

Than you don't risk to be cut off by any error, as you always can go back to your previous snapshot.

Offline sam0010

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Re: Making TC persistant
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 08:09:48 PM »
Thanks.  I got it to be persistent.

Offline Pats

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Re: Making TC persistant
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 08:15:22 AM »
Looking at so many threads on TCL persistancy - I think users are hell-bent on making TCL permenent persistant , while the TCL developers time and again explained abt TCLs cloud mode multiple uses and its core policy. :)
How abt it ?
~ Pats

Offline thane

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Re: Making TC persistant
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 01:29:07 PM »
Persistency is easy to get. It was a little obscure the first time(s) I tried, but it's actually very simple. And I do occasionally boot into cloud mode when I want to try an app without adding it to a set of extensions. I like the flexibility and extreme customization features of TCL.

The thing about Linux is that if you don't like a particular distro's design philosophy (or anything else), there are a lot of other distros to choose from. And it's all free. I'll complain and/or ask for help if TCL claims to be able to do something and I can't get it to work. But if TCL wasn't basically what I wanted I'd look around for something else.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 05:19:31 PM by thane »

Offline Pats

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Re: Making TC persistant
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2009, 09:24:11 PM »
Not only persistancy, but the whole concept of TCL is very easy - once one get accostmed to TCL philosphy ! For example, even though I am using linux for a while, I was confused abt TCL different uses and file locations, only after 10 practical sessions I was able to properly customize TCL as per my needs.
And I think some users who venture into LINUX world right from TCL, must be tearing off their hairs in intro sessions to TCL. ;)

And to add more confusion ( at least when I had started using TCL ), TCL wiki was of not much help that time. I hope the wiki is with its improved version. But one thing is damn sure , all the Linux users must try their hand on TCL at least once, then only one get addicted to TCL use, cause there is so much to experiment & improve TCL. It is really exciting ! :)
~ Pats