I'd like to raise the question whether it would be desirable to unify the naming of our extensions by making them all .tcz (and eliminating .tczl, .tczlm, .tczml and .tczm).
Assuming that for a given extension ext.tcz there shall never exists an ext.tczl (or ext.tczm, or ext.tczlm, or ext.tczml), it would make the entries of the .dep files a bit more robust. I'd imagine that whenever an extension changes it's "flavor" (e.g. tcz -> tczl) this requires an update to all impacted .dep files. Not a big deal, but just another thing one could do without. A unified naming convention would also allow for those of us that use tce-load directly, not to having to remember the "flavor" of an extension.
I believe to know the prime motivation for having all those "flavors" of extensions: to guide tce-load in executing 'depmod' and 'ldconfig' respectively. Clearly, deriving the guiding information directly from the extension file name is hard to beat in terms of execution time.
I can see two alternatives to the current use of the file name for this determination. I concede they would potentially add a little time for loading extensions via appbrowser (or tce-load), but importantly not during boot time:
- fully automatic, by using 'find' to identify shared libraries and/or kernel modules within '/tmp/tcloop/ext' (or '/mnt/test' for ram installations),
- manually, by introducing additional (empty) files into an extension (e.g. 'usr/local/tce.installed/tczl/ext' and/or 'usr/local/tce.installed/tczm/ext') as flags to trigger 'depmod' or 'ldconfig' execution.
I imagine that the first alternative adds ca. 20-30 msec for each extension that tce-load handles. Whilst the second alternative should be almost as fast as the current solution, but for the "price" of requiring manual intervention during the extension packaging. And it is this "human factor" that could be eliminated all together with the first alternative.
Many of you might see this questions as completely cosmetic and a total non-issue. I could see that some fear that it introduces too much risk for little gain. A proposal of such potential impact might have to wait for the TC 3.x cycle until it could be considered (if at all).
I've played around a bit with a "flavor"-tolerant version of tce-load, which might allow even it's introduction during the current 2.x cycle. But to go much further down this path I wanted to see first whether there are others that can see any benefit in this proposal in the first place.