Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

(solved) getflash.tce does not work with minefield-as-tcz

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--- Quote from: tobiaus on January 10, 2009, 02:52:44 AM --- what i can't figure out is how minefield.tcz ever installed the noscript plugin! (it should be just as impossible... not that i'm complaining, i'm glad it did.)

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Since you run it as a user it probably stores it in ~/.mozilla.  Anyways, I hope the workaround works for you for now.


--- Quote from: ^thehatsrule^ on January 10, 2009, 03:08:46 AM ---Anyways, I hope the workaround works for you for now.
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yes thank you both, it's brilliant. last year i finally replaced windows with linux, in the next year or two i hope to replace everything i use xubuntu for with tc. i am actually using xubuntu right now, but these days i use tc almost exclusively. there's nothing wrong with using other distros, but i prefer to use the ones that are say, 300mb at most, decent when run as a livecd, and and preferably more like 150mb or lower in size. xubuntu is a good distro, but meets none of those criteria. phasing out .tce whenever possible and using .tcz is important.

Jason W:
Placing the real firefox-bin in /usr/local/firefox as mentioned works for me also for getting flash working.  The /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory used by the minefield.tcz is read/write, as all tcz's have their directories created as real ones rather than symlinks pointing into /tmp/tcloop.  With firefox-bin as a real file, I simply copied the libflashplayer.so plugin to /usr/local/firefox/plugins and all was well.  Perhaps /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin can be placed in a user.tar.gz in the public extension if it does not break anything else.


--- Quote from: Jason W on January 10, 2009, 08:40:31 AM ---The /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory used by the minefield.tcz is read/write,
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the /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory seems to be ignored by minefield.tcz. copying the libflashplayer.so there (and the related .xpt file) does nothing when you are running minefield.tcz.

--- Quote from: Jason W on January 10, 2009, 08:40:31 AM ---...as all tcz's have their directories created as real ones rather than symlinks pointing into /tmp/tcloop.
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i wanted it the other way around, for the loop to symlink to the real directory, so minefield could see it. obviously this is not an issue with the tce version.

if your solution can be used to fix getflash (or minefield.tcz) great. it seems like a very odd way to fix it, but then you probably think the same thing about my proposed solution (which i have no way of proving anyway.) i'm almost certain neither one of us understands the other regarding our proposed solutions, either. not that it matters, only that minefield.tcz and getflash both work. as it is, i can get flash working with minefield.tcz, by copying to ~/.mozilla/plugins instead of /usr/local/...


--- Quote from: tobiaus on January 10, 2009, 09:14:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: Jason W on January 10, 2009, 08:40:31 AM ---The /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory used by the minefield.tcz is read/write,
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the /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory seems to be ignored by minefield.tcz. copying the libflashplayer.so there (and the related .xpt file) does nothing when you are running minefield.tcz.
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The workaround I posted allows for the plugins to be seen here.

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--- Quote from: Jason W on January 10, 2009, 08:40:31 AM ---...as all tcz's have their directories created as real ones rather than symlinks pointing into /tmp/tcloop.
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i wanted it the other way around, for the loop to symlink to the real directory, so minefield could see it. obviously this is not an issue with the tce version.

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This could work as well, but it would still need an user.tar.gz (for the plugins stuff).  However, there may be other things may be affected by 'wrong' paths - so I think that using the non-symlinked firefox-bin would be better atm.


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