Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

(solved) getflash.tce does not work with minefield-as-tcz

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the logic is this: the getflash tce installs the needed files in a place that only works with minefield.tce. the only place i knew to copy the 2 files to is /usr/local/firefox/plugins (and i've made so many attempts to get flash working prior to tc, i didn't think putting it anywhere else would help. in tc with tce, it just works!)

but putting them there isn't seen by minefield, if minefield is tcz. it seems to rely on /tmp/tcloop/the/same/subpath/just/mentioned.

so it made sense to try to move the files from /the/usual/subpath to /tmp/tcloop/the/usual/subpath. naturally that didn't work. however, moving them to ~/.mozilla/plugins works for this!

i am now going to confirm that this works for both minefield.tce and minefield.tcz, having only tried the latter. i am also going to confirm whether you still need to install (but not run) getflash, as i've tried to do it without it before.

but this still may pose a problem for the minefield tcz extension! we may have figured out how to manually get flash working (and potentially fix getflash) but what about other extensions, say... noscript? i'll try to install that right now. edit: noscript installed through the normal procedure. maybe only getflash needs adapting.

okay, here's the new information:


step 1: get / install minefield from appbrowser, tce
step 2: run minefield, close
step 3: get / install oss from appbrowser, tce, sound on from menu
step 4: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins && cp *fl* (2 files, one .so one .xpt) to ~/.mozilla/plugins
step 5: run minefield, youtube.com... there is no sound (very zen) so restart minefield, try again. no. close.
step 6: using appbrowser, install getflash.tce but do not run it (it would download a 100mb file, you only need about 6)
step 7: open minefield, now you have sound.


step 1: get / install minefield from appbrowser, TCZ
step 2: run minefield, close
step 3: get / install oss from appbrowser, TCZ, sound on from menu
step 4: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins && cp *fl* (2 files, one .so one .xpt) to ~/.mozilla/plugins (again)
step 5: run minefield, youtube.com... there is no sound (very zen) so restart minefield, try again. no. close.
step 6: using appbrowser, install getflash.tce (there is no tcz) but do not run it (it would download a 100mb file, you only need about 6)
step 7: open minefield, now you have sound.

conclusion: the getflash extension, if possible, should put the 2 needed files in /home/tc/.mozilla/plugins so that it will work with both minefield.tce and minefield.tcz. otherwise files will need to be moved by the user to make flash work with the latter.

Not too good for multiuser. single user ok. Probably minefield.tcz should have an embedded user.tar.gz

Looked into the tcz a bit more... found a workaround that may be simpler.

Remove the firefox-bin symlink then copy the original into its place, i.e. as root,
--- Code: ---cd /usr/local/firefox && rm firefox-bin && cp -p /tmp/tcloop/minefield/`pwd`/firefox-bin .
--- End code ---
or recreate the extension with a user.tar.gz.  My guess at an explanation is that firefox-bin follows the symlinked path, and doesn't see the plugins dir, despite the settings in the startup script.

By definition the user.tar.gz is for those areas that need write access.
The user.tar.gz is what I created for the same kind of issues with DSL's  read-only UCI.

Otherwise you will need a startup script to remove and copy every time it is loaded.
Startup scripts are supported, but why remove and copy every time. Do it once.


--- Quote from: roberts on January 09, 2009, 05:58:34 PM ---Not too good for multiuser. single user ok. Probably minefield.tcz should have an embedded user.tar.gz

--- End quote ---

well my first idea was to replace the plugins directory in the tcz's /usr/local/firefox/ directory with symlink to the real /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory. then by the time the tcz was mounted ro as /tmp/tcloop/usr/local/firefox/plugins it would be no problem for getflash to write to plugins, though that may be a nightmare from the pristine loops point of view. (?) what i can't figure out is how minefield.tcz ever installed the noscript plugin! (it should be just as impossible... not that i'm complaining, i'm glad it did.)


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