Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

(solved) getflash.tce does not work with minefield-as-tcz

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I've been trying to follow this thread and can't determine if anyone actually has the procedure figured out to get flash working on the minefield tcz installation. Can someone please summarize the solution if it exists.

Jason W:
Easiest way is to copy /tmp/tcloop/minefield/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin to /usr/local/firefox, overwriting the existing symlink.  Then install flash as usual.  I adjusted my own copy of minefield.tcz by placing /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin in a user.tar.gz so I don't have to move files and everything seems to work ok that way.

Jason, would you upload that changed tcz extension? As an Opera user, I wouldn't touch FF unless I absolutely have to ;)

Thanks. So is this correct then:

step 1: get / install minefield from appbrowser, TCZ
step 2: run minefield, close
step 3: get / install oss from appbrowser, TCZ, sound on from menu
step 4: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins && cp *fl* (2 files, one .so one .xpt) to ~/.mozilla/plugins (again)
step 5: run minefield, youtube.com... there is no sound (very zen) so restart minefield, try again. no. close.
step 6: using appbrowser, install getflash.tce (there is no tcz) but do not run it (it would download a 100mb file, you only need about 6)
step 7: open minefield, now you have sound.
step 8. copy /tmp/tcloop/minefield/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin to /usr/local/firefox

only if you're trying to prove one of those steps is needed.

to get flash in ff, just do this:

step 1: get / install minefield from appbrowser, TCE
step 2: run minefield, close
step 3: get / install oss from appbrowser, TCE, sound on from menu
step 4: using appbrowser, install getflash.tce (there is no getflash.tcz) and run it

just basic extension installation, nothing fancy. if you want to get flash working in the ff installed by tcz, that's what this thread is about.


copy /tmp/tcloop/minefield/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin to /usr/local/firefox

is jason's method to make that possible. i haven't tried it, but he has a better understanding of it than i do.


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