Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
(solved) getflash.tce does not work with minefield-as-tcz
by: tobiaus
--- Quote ---to get flash in ff, just do this:
step 1: get / install minefield from appbrowser, TCE
step 2: run minefield, close
step 3: get / install oss from appbrowser, TCE, sound on from menu
step 4: using appbrowser, install getflash.tce (there is no getflash.tcz) and run it
just basic extension installation, nothing fancy. if you want to get flash working in the ff installed by tcz, that's what this thread is about.
copy /tmp/tcloop/minefield/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin to /usr/local/firefox
--- End quote ---
I tried out this procedure and it does indeed work but the last step is not persistent.
So I guess this is why Jason did what he did:
--- Quote ---I adjusted my own copy of minefield.tcz by placing /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin in a user.tar.gz so I don't have to move files and everything seems to work ok that way.
--- End quote ---
Sounds like a great solution but how is this done? Does this mean I have to learn how to make extensions? Yikes!
one method: i install minefield as tcz now. every related package is tcz, getflash is tce only.
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
sudo find / | grep flash | grep xpt
cp /path-the-xpt-file-is-in/*fl* ~/.mozilla/plugins
(2 files)
now it persists. there is probably a better way, you will still need getflash in your tce folder or there will be no sound on youtube.
Jason W:
I will upload the adjusted minefield.tcz for testing soon.
--- Quote from: Jason W on January 20, 2009, 11:45:28 AM ---I will upload the adjusted minefield.tcz for testing soon.
--- End quote ---
any guesses to why view source, view selection don't? not a tcz-specific issue but thought i'd mention it.
Jason W:
Updated minefield.tcz is posted. Should support flash when installed in /usr/local/firefox/plugins/.
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