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Author Topic: Computer audio does not work with 32-bit Tiny Core Plus version 11.0.  (Read 17047 times)

Offline xor

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I am reading your messages
I find it more logical to answer in general.

I'm not a developer,
as someone who only uses TCL
for the solution of the problems experienced
I am writing bug reports to the forum.

I am writing with google translation like you,
English is not my mother tongue!

to use the language translation engine in a universal way;
There are 2 basic rules.

Rule number 1 - correctly defining an expression in one line
Rule number 2 - to the end of each line; If (.) or (,) is placed,
the translation engine translates better.

If the main subject is returned;

TCL is one of the best linux distributions I've been looking for for many years,
but the development process is more efficient with a kind of compatibility process.

my personal comment;
as desktop interface
"windowmaker" works more efficiently
(its own bar plugin is more compatible) but not compatible with WBAR,
these can be developed over time.

Localized exfat support is important especially in new versions of the kernel.

TCL 12 or above may have the desired maturity.

For now, I do not think TCL 11.1 fully meets realistic expectations.

a structure that works especially on the ram disk
especially in data writing processes on USB or SD card
Since the limiting structure of FAT32 does not provide the desired comfort completely
I think that TCL will be stronger with exfat support. :)

in this respect, ezremaster update
It will be more logical to prepare for TCL 12 series.


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I appreciate online translation can be misleading.

Why discuss USB file format to marcelocripe?

Why discuss windowmaker to marcelocripe?

Why at reply number 21....do you discuss "Core" when subject of this thread says
"32-bit Tiny Core Plus"?


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I will be rude, and tell you....you are not forced to use firefox as a web browser.

You are not forced to use vlc media player.

There are alternatives.

By any chance, if I tell you the make and model of the chip or the name of the drive that Windows used on the computer / notebook, does it make it easier?

The terms used by Linux differ from Windows.  Please tell us your chip make and model.

If you still have trouble with sound please copy and paste commands and post results in a code box.

Code: [Select]
lsmod | grep snd
lspci | grep Audio
aplay -l

and if you are having trouble with sound...
How do you want sound?
Describe if sound must come out of laptop speakers, TV speakers, desktop speakers, headphones.

Describe the cable connecting speakers.  HDMI or 3.5mm line or headphone cable.

Pulseaudio gives users the chance to swap sound devices on the fly.
As xor points out....pavucontrol is very useful for pulseaudio users,
but only if they load adwaita-icon-theme too.

If you know you only need sound from HDMI or only from analog, Alsa can be useful.

Sound for firefox does need pulsaudio set up as per its info file.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 10:26:34 PM by aus9 »


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I forgot to mention, you can also have sound coming from an USB sound device.

I forgot to mention that Rich has already linked to the pulseaudio info file in an earlier post.

and I forgot to ask, in case vlc is too big for you...

what are the file types you want to play please?

eg .mp4

« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 11:06:54 PM by aus9 »

Offline xor

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I appreciate online translation can be misleading.

Why discuss USB file format to marcelocripe?

Why discuss windowmaker to marcelocripe?

Why at reply number 21....do you discuss "Core" when subject of this thread says
"32-bit Tiny Core Plus"?

each user's request may be different.
It is important for a system developer to be more sensitive to common requests.
It is not true to say that I know best.
Someone who already knows linux commands generally may not prefer desktop.
however, standard applications may not be useful for everyone.

wbar is a copy of apple.
Macos had a windowmaker before.
  sony playstation2 (32 MB RAM) linuxta windowmaker is used.
In this respect, if visual elements are desired in proposing a minimalist operating system, the windowmaker may be a good choice.

Offline Juanito

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Please stop trolling this thread - your comments are not relevant to audio

Offline Juanito

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troll post removed

Offline marcelocripe

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I appreciate online translation can be misleading.

Why discuss USB file format to marcelocripe?

Why discuss windowmaker to marcelocripe?

Why at reply number 21....do you discuss "Core" when subject of this thread says
"32-bit Tiny Core Plus"?

Xor responded to me in general and included content from other conversations or posts on this forum. Unfortunately, this is why it does not make sense to other colleagues.

Perhaps it has complemented content from other posts, such as: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23854.msg149902.html#msg149902, http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php /topic,23630.msg148792.html#msg148792 e.

I download it manually at https://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/11.x/x86/tcz/ of the extensions and other dependencies necessary for a program to work on other computers without internet access. Or I download the extensions and other dependencies necessary for a program to be able to work with a Tiny Core installed on the HD or via a bootable USB stick with Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits. It is not feasible to download and install programs via the Internet for those who manage one or more computer networks using Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits.

Remastering Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits is not the best way for me to be able to work on two different computer networks located at different addresses with limited or bad internet access.

About your comment:

"@ marcelocripe

I will be rude, and tell you .... you are not forced to use firefox as a web browser.

You are not forced to use vlc media player.

There are alternatives. "[/ I]

I tested the opera and chromium available for Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits and both are extremely outdated, which makes navigation and usability unviable, similar to what happens with old Linux distributions with an old browser.

I tested firefox_getLatest.tcz, this extension downloads the latest version, unzips and automatically creates a compilation of Firefox 76.0 for Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits. I congratulate the creator of this extension.

I also tested epiphany.tcz, reported the failures at the link: http: //forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23750.msg149807.html#msg149807, even after the changes made by Mr. Juanito, the epiphany.tcz remains unstable.

As I had posted on April 27, 2020, I managed to make the audio work thanks to the help of colleagues, and even with some more precious words from Mr. Juanito, I managed to further optimize the startup of Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits, because any and all help is always very welcome. I will still do the tests with the code that you were kind enough to teach me.

"Code: [Select]
lsmod | grep snd
lspci | grep Audio
aplay -l "[/ i]

As it is the sound of different computers and notebooks, the audio must come out of speakers or headphones for both, as I will not know how these computers and notebooks received due to donations or due to disposal will be used.

I need to make computers and notebooks running simultaneously for the latest and most stable internet browser, plus one or two programs to play video and music for .mp4, .avi, .mov, .mp3, .wav, .ogg files , .wma,
.wmv. I tried to use vlc.tcz, but it worked while firefox had no audio, when firefox started having audio, vlc no longer opened.

On Mr. Xor's comment:

"each user's request may be different.
It is important for a system developer to be more sensitive to common requests.
It is not true to say that I know best.
Someone who already knows linux commands generally may not prefer desktop.
however, standard applications may not be useful for everyone. "

I fit in with those who have great difficulties in getting everything to work in text mode, the command prompt keeps laypersons away and limits the number of users that any operating system. I didn't have opportunities in the Linux world, I'm having it now, not everything is explained in a clear and precise way in the Tiny Core Plus 11 32-bit documentation, because whoever knows about a certain subject, sometimes writes as if everyone would understand with just a few words or few explanations.

Questions about the programs contained in the Tiny Core Plus 11 32-bit wbar I posted on the link: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23854.msg149902.html#msg149902, I still have doubts on this menu and on another when we click on the desktop.

In addition, I am grateful to everyone who has been helping me make Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bit usable by any basic computer user.


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google translator.



O Xor respondeu para mim de uma forma geral e incluiu conteúdos de outras conversas ou postagens deste fórum. Infelizmente, é por isso não faz sentido para os demais colegas.

Talvez ele tenha complementado conteúdo de outras postagens, como por exemplo: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23854.msg149902.html#msg149902http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23630.msg148792.html#msg148792 e .

É que eu faço o download manualmente no site https://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/11.x/x86/tcz/ das extensões e as demais dependências necessárias para um programa poder funcionar em outros computadores sem acesso a internet. Ou faço o download das extensões e as demais dependências necessárias para um programa poder funcionar com um Tiny Core instalado no HD ou via pendrive inicializável com Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits. É inviável baixar e instalar via internet programas para quem administra uma ou mais rede de computadores que utilizam o Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits.

Remasterizar o Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits não é a melhor forma para eu poder trabalhar em duas redes de computadores diferentes e localizadas em endereços diferentes com acesso a internet ruim ou limitado.

Sobre seu comentário:


I will be rude, and tell you....you are not forced to use firefox as a web browser.

You are not forced to use vlc media player.

There are alternatives."

Eu testei o opera e chromium disponíveis para o Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits e ambos estão extremamente desatualizados, o que torna a navegação e usabilidade inviáveis, semelhante ao que ocorre com distribuições Linux antigas com navegador antigo.

Eu testei o firefox_getLatest.tcz, esta extensão baixa a versão mais recente, descompacta e cria uma compilação automaticamente do Firefox 76.0 para Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits. Parabenizo o criador desta extensão.

Eu testei, também, o epiphany.tcz, reportei as falhas no link:http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23750.msg149807.html#msg149807, mesmo após as alterações feitas pelo senhor Juanito, o epiphany.tcz permanece instável.

Como eu havia postado no dia 27 de abril de 2020, eu consegui fazer o áudio funcionar graças as ajudas dos colegas, e ainda com mais algumas palavras preciosas do senhor Juanito, consegui otimizar ainda mais a inicialização do Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits, pois toda e qualquer ajuda é sempre muito bem vinda. Mesmo assim eu irei fazer os testes com o código que você fez a gentileza de me ensinar.

"Código: [Selecionar]
lsmod | grep snd
lspci | grep Audio
aplay -l"

Como trata-se de o som de computadores e notebook diferentes, o áudio deve sair em alto-falantes ou fone de ouvido para ambos, pois eu não saberei como serão utilizados estes computadores e notebook recebidos devido a doações ou devido ao descarte.

Eu preciso disponibilizar os computadores e notebook com áudio funcionando simultaneamente para o navegador de internet mais recente e mais estável e ainda um ou dois programas tocar vídeo e música para arquivos .mp4, .avi, .mov, .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .wma, 
.wmv. Eu tentei utilizar o vlc.tcz, mas funcionou enquanto o firefox não tinha áudio, quando o firefox passou a ter áudio, o vlc não abria mais.

Sobre o comentário do senhor Xor:

"each user's request may be different.
It is important for a system developer to be more sensitive to common requests.
It is not true to say that I know best.
Someone who already knows linux commands generally may not prefer desktop.
however, standard applications may not be useful for everyone."

Eu me enquadro nos que possuem grandes dificuldades de conseguir fazer tudo funcionar no modo texto, o prompt de comando afasta os leigos e limitam a quantidade de utilizadores que qualquer sistema operacional. Eu não tive oportunidades no mundo Linux, estou tendo agora, nem tudo é explicado de forma clara e precisa na documentação do Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits, porque quem conhece sobre um determinado assunto, por vezes escreve como se todos fossem compreender com apenas poucas palavras ou poucas explicações.

Dúvidas sobre os programas contidos no wbar do Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits eu postei no link: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23854.msg149902.html#msg149902, ainda possuo dúvidas neste menu e no outro quando clicamos no desktop.

No mais, eu sou grato a todos que vem me ajudando a fazer o Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits ser utilizável por qualquer usuário básico de computador.


Texto original em português, traduzido para o inglês por Google tradutor.


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sorry you have bad or no internet.

If you said no internet, I would have asked why bother with a web browser.

I tried to use vlc.tcz, but it worked while firefox had no audio, when firefox started having audio, vlc no longer opened.

This suggests you have set up pulseaudio (=PA) as all modern versions of firefox need PA correctly set up to have sound.

So, in vlc you should be able to go in and change the setting from automatic to PA  and regain sound?

There are some steps you can take to ensure on reboot, PA and vlc work correctly.
You do not need to do all these steps. I offer them as a guide when sound no longer works as expected.

Test 1  Test dbus is running
Code: [Select]
/usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus statusONLY if it is  "not running" then restart it.
Code: [Select]
sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus restart && /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus statusOutput should now show dbus is running.
Stopping dbus will kill pulseaudio so leave it alone,
if it is running already please

Test 2  Test pulseaudio is running.
It is hard to explain via online translation,
that pulseaudio can be run a local user or system wide.

I will assume you have made no changes from the info file for pulseaudio, which means you are running PA as system wide mode.

Code: [Select]
pulseaudio -vv
SNIP out all extra lines and last lines read below
E: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.

The last 2 lines are a successful test.
The E stands for Error but the message reads daemon already running
pid file creation fails because the pid file was created by your setup working.

Test 3 VLC is using analog device
vlc -> pulldown Audio  -> Audio Device -> Choose Analog not HDMI
image may help?

Test 4 VLC is forced to use pulseaudio
Hold down Ctrl key and press p -> brings up the vlc simple preferences dialog
Click the Audio button at top
Pulldown the Output mode   and select pulseaudio  and click on save
image may help

Offline Juanito

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I also tested epiphany.tcz, reported the failures at the link: http: //forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,23750.msg149807.html#msg149807, even after the changes made by Mr. Juanito, the epiphany.tcz remains unstable.

Epiphany and other browsers such as midori rely on webkitgtk - webkitgtk4 updated in the x86, x86_64 and armv7 repos.

Offline Kelikaku

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Re: Computer audio does not work with 32-bit Tiny Core Plus version 11.0.
« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2022, 04:25:34 PM »
To configure and test audio:
Code: [Select]
$ tce-load -i alsa-config
$ tce-load -i alsa
$ alsamixer [check that your audio is not muted]
$ speaker-test -c2 -t wav -l1 [you may need speaker-test -Ddefault:1 -c2 -t wav -l1]
I have both a Sony VAIO PCG-6141L laptop and a Dell Dimension 4700 tower with the exact same situation - there is no sound.  Will these instructions work with one, the other or even both?

Offline Rich

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Re: Computer audio does not work with 32-bit Tiny Core Plus version 11.0.
« Reply #42 on: February 25, 2022, 04:33:17 PM »
Hi Kelikaku
Yes, that should work. The extensions need to be loaded in the order listed.

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: Computer audio does not work with 32-bit Tiny Core Plus version 11.0.
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2022, 10:12:59 AM »
Hello Forum,

Could it be that the MIXER just has the audio muted?


Run it at the terminal


the "spacebar" can "unmute" or maybe the "m" key
