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Author Topic: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core  (Read 8473 times)

Offline marcelocripe

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Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« on: May 08, 2020, 05:29:49 PM »
Hello dear colleagues from the forum.

I will ask several questions about "Tiny Core Management", these are information that I did not find in the FAQ or forum about Tiny Core Plus 11.0 and 11.1

1) What does the "UUID" code that appears at the end of each installation of Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits mean and what is it for?

2) If the "UUID" is something essential and totally necessary, how is it possible to view it again to copy it?

3) What is the default password for the root user, or sudo, or super user and the user "tc" of Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits?

4) How to change the default passwords for the root user, or sudo, or super user and user "tc" to Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits?

I researched and found the links below on password change:


I do not know which of these contents are meant to be applied in Tiny Core Plus 11, the translations of the pages into the Brazilian Portuguese language were not fully understandable and some of the pages explained, but unfortunately I was unable to understand how to create the passwords.

5) In a network with several computers / notebooks connected and all identified by "box", it is difficult to manage and maintain all computers using the same name on the network. How to change the user name "box" to TinyCore1, TinyCore2, TinyCore3, or box1, box2, box3 and etc?

6) What is the "name.tcz" of the Tiny Core Plus 11 standard menu extensions (Wbar), listed from left to right, Exit, Editor, ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install and Wifi?

7) When a mouse cursor clicks on the Tiny Core Plus 11.0 desktop, a menu and its submenus are displayed, it is possible to include in this menu shortcuts from other extensions (programs) that were not installed in the mode OnBoot or OnDemand?

8) How to manually update, without internet access, the Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bit to the Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bit version?

9) How to do the manual update, without internet access, from Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits to Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits?

The purpose of questions number 7 to 9 is not to have to do a new installation or to have to do the update depending on the internet connection on each computer on the network or via Apps, I need to do the updates manually, I already downloaded the ISO Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits and Tiny Core 11.1 64 bits, I can mount the ISO images and copy any file without difficulty, just copy and replace files?


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google translator.


Olá caros colegas do fórum.

Farei várias perguntas sobre "Gerenciamento do Tiny Core", tratam-se de informações que eu não encontrei no FAQ ou no fórum sobre o Tiny Core Plus 11.0 e 11.1

1) O que significa e para que serve o código "UUID" que aparece no final de cada instalação do Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits?

2) Caso o "UUID" seja algo imprescindível e totalmente necessário, como é possível visualizá-lo novamente para copiá-lo?

3) Qual é a senha padrão do usuário root, ou sudo, ou super usuário e do usuário "tc" do Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits?

4) Como alterar as senhas padrões do usuário root, ou sudo, ou super usuário e do usuário "tc" para Tiny Core Plus 11 32 bits?

Eu pesquisei e encontrei os links abaixo, sobre alteração de senha:


Eu não sei qual destes conteúdos servem para serem aplicados no Tiny Core Plus 11, as traduções das páginas para o idioma português do Brasil não ficaram totalmente compreensíveis e algumas das páginas explicaram, mas infelizmente eu não consegui entender como fazer a criação das senhas.

5) Em uma rede com vários computadores/notebook conectados e todos identificados por "box", fica difícil de gerenciar e de fazer manutenções com todos os computadores usando o mesmo nome na rede. Como alterar o nome de usuário "box" para TinyCore1, TinyCore2, TinyCore3, ou box1, box2, box3 e etc?

6) Qual é o "nome.tcz" das extensões do menu padrão (Wbar) do Tiny Core Plus 11, listados da esquerda para a direita, Exit, Editor, ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install e Wifi?

7) Quando ocorre um clique com o cursor do mouse sobre a área de trabalho (desktop) do Tiny Core Plus 11.0 é exibido um menu e seus submenus, é possível incluir neste menu atalhos de outras extensões (programas) que não foram instaladas no modo OnBoot ou OnDemand?

8) Como fazer a atualização manual, sem acesso a internet, do Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits para a versão Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits?

9) Como fazer a atualização manual, sem acesso a internet, do Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits para Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits?

O objetivo das perguntas de número 7 a 9 é de não ter que fazer uma nova instalação ou de ter que fazer a atualização dependendo de conexão de internet em cada computador da rede ou via Apps, preciso fazer as atualizações manualmente, eu já baixei as ISOs Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits e Tiny Core 11.1 64 bits, eu consigo montar as imagens ISO e copiar qualquer arquivo sem dificuldades, é só copiar e substituir arquivos?


Texto original em português, traduzido para o inglês por Google tradutor.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 11:21:47 PM by Rich »

Offline Leee

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2020, 06:20:42 PM »
1: UUID is a unique identifier for a filesystem. Many people prefer to use it instead of the filesystem LABEL to explicitly specify at boot time, for instance, where the tce directory is to be found.

2: blkid shows a filesystem's UUID as well as its label.  Try:
Code: [Select]
blikd /dev/sd??
3: By default, there is no password for either root or tc.  If, for instance, you want to be able to log in via ssh using a password, you need to set one with the passwd command:
Code: [Select]
sudo passwd tc
sudo passwd

Even for user tc, if you don't use "sudo" it whines about your password not being secure enough.

4: To make your password changes survive a reboot, add etc/passwd, etc/shadow, etc/group and etc/gshadow (note the lack of leading slashes) to /opt/.filetool.lst and make a backup after setting the passwords.

To actually log in as root, you have to "jump through some hoops", otherwise you are automatically switched to user tc.  This is by design and it's not recommended to circumvent it.

core 15.0 x86_64

Offline Rich

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2020, 08:48:41 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
5) In a network with several computers / notebooks connected and all identified by "box", it is difficult to manage and maintain all computers using the same name on the network. How to change the user name "box" to TinyCore1, TinyCore2, TinyCore3, or box1, box2, box3 and etc?
Look in  /opt/bootsync.sh.  The name is set on the  sethostname  line.

6) What is the "name.tcz" of the Tiny Core Plus 11 standard menu extensions (Wbar), listed from left to right, Exit, Editor, ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install and Wifi?
Xprogs, aterm, eZremaster, tc-install-GUI, wifi.

8) How to manually update, without internet access, the Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bit to the Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bit version?
You need to replace your  core.gz  and  vmlinuz  files. You will still need to download them though:

9) How to do the manual update, without internet access, from Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits to Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits?
You will need  corepure64.gz  and  vmlinuz64:
You will also need to install 64 bit extensions.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 09:16:39 PM »
1: UUID is a unique identifier for a filesystem. Many people prefer to use it instead of the filesystem LABEL to explicitly specify at boot time, for instance, where the tce directory is to be found.

2: blkid shows a filesystem's UUID as well as its label.  Try:
Code: [Select]
blikd /dev/sd??
3: By default, there is no password for either root or tc.  If, for instance, you want to be able to log in via ssh using a password, you need to set one with the passwd command:
Code: [Select]
sudo passwd tc
sudo passwd

Even for user tc, if you don't use "sudo" it whines about your password not being secure enough.

4: To make your password changes survive a reboot, add etc/passwd, etc/shadow, etc/group and etc/gshadow (note the lack of leading slashes) to /opt/.filetool.lst and make a backup after setting the passwords.

To actually log in as root, you have to "jump through some hoops", otherwise you are automatically switched to user tc.  This is by design and it's not recommended to circumvent it.


Thank you for responding.

I opened the terminal
tc @ box: ~ $ blikd / dev / sd ?? [Enter]
sh: blik: not found

The command failed.

I found the UUID code in the extlinux.conf file located in the / mnt / sda1 / boot / extlinux directory.

I will try to make the password changes.


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google translator.



Agradeço por responder.

Eu abri o terminal
tc@box:~$ blikd /dev/sd?? [Enter]
sh: blik: not found

O comando falhou.

Encontrei o código UUID no arquivo extlinux.conf localizado no diretório /mnt/sda1/boot/extlinux.

Vou tentar fazer as alterações das senhas.


Texto original em português, traduzido para o inglês por Google tradutor.

Offline Rich

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2020, 09:31:45 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
... tc @ box: ~ $ blikd / dev / sd ?? [Enter] ...
When dealing with Linux commands, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation matter:
Code: [Select]
tc@E310:~$ blkid /dev/sda
/dev/sda: PTUUID="594f4868" PTTYPE="dos"
tc@E310:~$ blkid /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: LABEL="TC10" UUID="543cac60-3224-4cab-b1d5-008407dd9ce8" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="594f4868-01"
tc@E310:~$ blkid /dev/sda2
/dev/sda2: UUID="22559ae7-7e12-4a3b-9efa-6f8c8a9a8a6a" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="594f4868-02"

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2020, 09:46:23 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
5) In a network with several computers / notebooks connected and all identified by "box", it is difficult to manage and maintain all computers using the same name on the network. How to change the user name "box" to TinyCore1, TinyCore2, TinyCore3, or box1, box2, box3 and etc?
Look in  /opt/bootsync.sh.  The name is set on the  sethostname  line.

6) What is the "name.tcz" of the Tiny Core Plus 11 standard menu extensions (Wbar), listed from left to right, Exit, Editor, ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install and Wifi?
Xprogs, aterm, eZremaster, tc-install-GUI, wifi.

8) How to manually update, without internet access, the Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bit to the Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bit version?
You need to replace your  core.gz  and  vmlinuz  files. You will still need to download them though:

9) How to do the manual update, without internet access, from Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits to Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits?
You will need  corepure64.gz  and  vmlinuz64:
You will also need to install 64 bit extensions.


Thank you for responding.

I was able to successfully change the username.

What is the publisher?

I was able to manually update the Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bit to the Tiny Core Plus 11.1 version.

When I tried to manually update Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bit or Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bit to Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bit it didn't work.

I will explain what I did on each attempt:

1st Test- I copied corepure64.gz and vmlinuz64 to / mnt / sda1 / boot and deleted core.gz and vmlinuz, saving the settings, after the computer restart stopped at the black screen at the command prompt: tc @ box: ~ $

2nd Test- I copied corepure64.gz and vmlinuz64, changed the names of corepure64.gz and vmlinuz64 to core.gz and vmlinuz and copied to the / mnt / sda1 / boot directory and deleted corepure64.gz and vmlinuz64, leaving saving the settings, after the computer restart stopped at the black screen at the command prompt: tc @ box: ~ $

Displayed the message below
/ usr / local / bin / startx: line 1: mcookie: not found
failed in waitforX
tc @ box: ~ $

3rd Test- I copied corepure64.gz and vmlinuz64 to / mnt / sda1 / boot and deleted core.gz and vmlinuz, / mnt / sda1 / boot / extlinux changed extlinux.conf in the lines KERNEL / boot / vmlinuz to KERNEL / boot / vmlinuz64 and INITRD /boot/core.gz for INITRD /boot/corepure64.gz, I saved and changed the file and then closed it, checked the changes by opening the extlinux.conf file again. Exit saving the settings of Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits, after the computer restart stopped at the black screen at the command prompt: tc @ box: ~ $

In this last test, it also displayed the message:

/ usr / local / bin / startx: line 1: mcookie: not found
failed in waitforX
tc @ box: ~ $

After the failed tests, I started Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits via pendrive, copied core.gz and vmlinuz from Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits on the pendrive to / mnt / sda1 / boot, save the settings after the computer restarts, normally loaded the graphics mode of Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits. With these tests, I learned how to restore Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits manually.

Does Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bit work in graphics mode?

If I can convert Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32-bit to 64-bit, can I still use the 32-bit extensions? Or can I only use 64-bit extensions when using Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64-bit and can no longer use 32-bit extensions?


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google translator.



Agradeço por responder.

Eu consegui fazer a alteração com sucesso do nome de usuário.

O aterm é o editor?

Eu consegui atualizar manualmente o Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits para a versão Tiny Core Plus 11.1.

Quando eu tentei atualizar manualmente o Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits ou o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits para a versão Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits não deu certo.

Eu vou explicar o que eu fiz em cada tentativa:

1º Teste- Copiei corepure64.gz e vmlinuz64 para /mnt/sda1/boot e apaguei core.gz e vmlinuz, sai salvando as configurações, após o computador reiniciar parou na tela preta no prompt de comando: tc@box:~$

2 º Teste- Copiei corepure64.gz e vmlinuz64, alterei os nomes de corepure64.gz e vmlinuz64 para core.gz e vmlinuz e copiei para o diretório /mnt/sda1/boot e apaguei corepure64.gz e vmlinuz64, sai salvando as configurações, após o computador reiniciar parou na tela preta no prompt de comando: tc@box:~$

Exibiu a mensagem abaixo
/usr/local/bin/startx: line 1:  mcookie: not found
failed in waitforX

3º Teste- Copiei corepure64.gz e vmlinuz64 para /mnt/sda1/boot e apaguei core.gz e vmlinuz, /mnt/sda1/boot/extlinux alterei extlinux.conf nas linhas KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz para KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz64 e INITRD /boot/core.gz para INITRD /boot/corepure64.gz, salvei e as alterações do arquivo e depois fechei, conferi as alterações abrindo novamente o arquivo extlinux.conf. Sai salvando as configurações do Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits, após o computador reiniciar parou na tela preta no prompt de comando: tc@box:~$

Neste último teste, também exibiu a mensagem:

/usr/local/bin/startx: line 1:  mcookie: not found
failed in waitforX

Após o testes que falharam, iniciei o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits via pendrive, copiei core.gz e vmlinuz do Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits do pendrive para  /mnt/sda1/boot, sai salvando as configurações, após o computador reiniciar, carregou normalmente o modo gráfico do Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits. Com esses testes, eu  aprendi a restaurar o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits manualmente.

O Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits funciona no modo gráfico?

Se eu conseguir converter o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits para 64 bits, poderei ainda utilizar as extensões de 32bits? Ou apenas poderei utilizar as extensões de 64 bits no utilizar Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits não podendo mais utilizar as extensões de 32 bits?


Texto original em português, traduzido para o inglês por Google tradutor.

Offline Rich

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2020, 10:01:38 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
9) How to do the manual update, without internet access, from Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits to Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits?
You will need  corepure64.gz  and  vmlinuz64:
You will also need to install 64 bit extensions.

Since Tinycore does not support mixed 32/64 bit libraries (and extensions):
If you are running Corepure64 (64 bit kernel, 64 bit apps) you can only run 64 bit programs.
If you are running Core64 (64 bit kernel, 32 bit apps), you can only run 32 bit programs.
If you are running Core (32 bit kernel, 32 bit apps), you can only run 32 bit programs.

Offline Rich

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2020, 10:04:31 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
... What is the publisher? ...
I don't understand what you are trying to ask.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2020, 11:05:12 PM »

My goal is to be able to use Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits, I don't know if it is possible, or if Tiny Core Plus 11.1 is only for 32 bits.

I wish to have both options available, which you cited:

Run Corepure64 (64-bit kernel, 64-bit apps) for 64-bit programs.


Run Corepure64 (64-bit kernel, 32-bit apps) for 32-bit programs.

For computers that I have already installed Tiny Core Plus 11.0, I can now manually update to Tiny Core Plus 11.1, you taught me and I thank you, they already have the 32-bit programs installed manually (installation without internet access), the next ones computers that I'm going to install Tiny Core Plus 11.1, I wish they were running everything in 64 bits, both Tiny Core Plus 11.1 and the programs.

In Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits and Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits, in memu (Wbar) by default, it is ordered from left to right, with the following icons: Exit (restarts and shuts down the computer), Editor (editor of text similar to MS Windows' notepad), ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install and Wifi. I need to know what is the "name.tcz" of each of them, for example, I would like to run the editor like sudo, so it is easier for me to make changes to the settings, using the terminal is more difficult for me, modifying lines of code in graphical mode is easier, so much so that I use xfe.tcz because it is the most complete and flexible file browser for viewing hidden files and running as sudo.



Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by the Google translator.



O meu objetivo é poder usar o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 64 bits, eu não sei se é possível, ou se Tiny Core Plus 11.1 é apenas para 32 bits.

Eu desejo ter as duas opções disponíveis, que você citou:

Rodar Corepure64 (64 bits kernel, 64 bits apps) para programas  64 bits.


Rodar Corepure64 (64 bits kernel, 32 bits apps) para programas  32 bits.

Para os computadores que eu já instalei Tiny Core Plus 11.0, eu já consigo atualizar manualmente para Tiny Core Plus 11.1, você me ensinou e eu agradeço, estes já estão com os programas 32 bits instalados manualmente (instalação sem acesso a internet), os próximos computadores que eu vou instalar o Tiny Core Plus 11.1, eu gostaria que estivessem rodando tudo em 64 bits, tanto o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 quanto os programas.

No Tiny Core Plus 11.0 32 bits e no Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits, no memu (Wbar) por padrão, é ordenado da esquerda para a direita, possuindo os seguintes ícones: Exit (reinicia e desliga o computador), Editor (editor de texto semelhante ao bloco de notas (notepad) do MS Windows), ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install e Wifi. Eu preciso saber qual é o "nome.tcz" de cada um deles, por exemplo, eu gostaria de rodar o editor como sudo, assim fica mais fácil para eu poder fazer as alterações nas configurações, usar o terminal é mais difícil para mim, modificar as linhas de código no modo gráfico é mais fácil, tanto é que eu uso o xfe.tcz por ser o navegador de arquivos mais completo e mais flexível para visualizar arquivos ocultos e rodar como sudo.



Texto original em português, traduzido para inglês pelo tradutor do Google.

Offline Rich

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2020, 11:27:38 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
... I wish to have both options available, which you cited:

Run Corepure64 (64-bit kernel, 64-bit apps) for 64-bit programs. ...
For that you need to create a separate  tce  directory to store 64 bit programs. Maybe call it something like  tce64TC11. I use a
similar naming technique (vmlinuz64TC11beta1 corepure64TC11beta1.gz) which allows me to store multiple versions of the kernel
and initrd in the same location.

... Run Corepure64 (64-bit kernel, 32-bit apps) for 32-bit programs. ...
Corepure64  can not run 32 bit programs. For that, you need  Core64.

To make  core64.gz:
Code: [Select]
cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz > core64.gz
In your bootloader, replace  vmlinuz  with  vmlinuz64  and  core.gz  with  core64.gz. You will need to run  Xorg  since there
is no 64 bit version of Xvesa. If an extension name contains a  kernel version number  you will need to use the 64 bit version.

... What is the publisher? ...
Xprogs, aterm, eZremaster, tc-install-GUI, wifi  are the names of the  .tcz  files that contain the programs you ask about.

Offline Leee

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2020, 12:01:33 AM »
I opened the terminal
tc @ box: ~ $ blikd / dev / sd ?? [Enter]
sh: blik: not found

Ah yes... that pesky "blikd" command... Sorry, that was a typographical error on my part.  The correct command is blkid (short for "block id, I suppose):
Code: [Select]
blkid /dev/sd??
(this time I actually pasted it into a terminal to make sure I had spelled it right)
core 15.0 x86_64

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2020, 06:20:24 PM »
I opened the terminal
tc @ box: ~ $ blikd / dev / sd ?? [Enter]
sh: blik: not found

Ah yes... that pesky "blikd" command... Sorry, that was a typographical error on my part.  The correct command is blkid (short for "block id, I suppose):
Code: [Select]
blkid /dev/sd??

Thanks for teaching me the command:

tc @ box: "$ blkid / dev / sd ??
/ dev / sda1: UUID = "e917a581-4631-4463-afg7-178dbf08cbb5" TYPE = "ext4"

Then you can view the UUID code via command or by opening the extlinux.conf file located in the / mnt / sda1 / boot / extlinux directory.


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google translator.



Obrigado por me ensinar o comando:

tc@box:"$ blkid /dev/sd??
/dev/sda1: UUID="e917a581-4631-4463-afg7-178dbf08cbb5" TYPE="ext4"

Então é possível visualizar o código UUID via comando ou abrindo o arquivo extlinux.conf localizado no diretório /mnt/sda1/boot/extlinux.


Texto original em português, traduzido para o inglês por Google tradutor.
(this time I actually pasted it into a terminal to make sure I had spelled it right)

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2020, 09:22:09 PM »
Hi Rich.

I couldn't understand this part of your explanation:

[quote author = Rich link = topic = 23854.msg149902 # msg149902 date = 1589081258]
To make core64.gz:
Code: [Select]
cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz> core64.gz [/ code]

In your bootloader, replace vmlinuz with vmlinuz64 and core.gz with core64.gz. You will need to run Xorg since there
is no 64 bit version of Xvesa. If an extension name contains a kernel version number you will need to use the 64 bit version.

[quote author = marcelocripe link = topic = 23854.msg149898 # msg149898 date = 1589075183]
 ... What is the publisher? ... [/ quote]
Xprogs, aterm, eZremaster, tc-install-GUI, wifi are the names of the .tcz files that contain the programs you ask about.
[/ quote]

What is this command for?

[code] cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz> core64.gz [/ code]

will Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits converted to 64 bits have graphics mode?

I will post an image containing the menu (Wbar) by default, icons ordered from left to right: Exit (restarts and shuts down the computer), Editor (text editor similar to MS Windows' notepad), ControlPanel , Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install and Wifi.

Editor has your name highlighted in the image.

What is the "nome.tcz" of each one of them?


Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by the Google translator.


Olá Rich.

Eu não consegui compreender esta parte de sua explicação:

[quote author=Rich link=topic=23854.msg149902#msg149902 date=1589081258]
To make  core64.gz:
[code]cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz > core64.gz

In your bootloader, replace  vmlinuz  with  vmlinuz64  and  core.gz  with  core64.gz. You will need to run  Xorg  since there
is no 64 bit version of Xvesa. If an extension name contains a  kernel version number  you will need to use the 64 bit version.

... What is the publisher? ...
Xprogs, aterm, eZremaster, tc-install-GUI, wifi  are the names of the  .tcz  files that contain the programs you ask about.

Para que serve este comando?

Code: [Select]
cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz > core64.gz
o Tiny Core Plus 11.1 32 bits convertido para 64 bits terá o modo gráfico?

Eu vou postar uma imagem contendo o menu (Wbar) por padrão, ícones ordenados da esquerda para a direita: Exit (reinicia e desliga o computador), Editor (editor de texto semelhante ao bloco de notas (notepad) do MS Windows), ControlPanel, Apps, RunProgram, MountTool, Terminal, eZremaster, tc-install e Wifi.

Editor está com o seu nome em destaque na imagem.

Qual é o "nome.tcz" de cada um deles?


Texto original em português, traduzido para inglês pelo tradutor do Google.

Offline Rich

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2020, 10:38:52 PM »
Hi marcelocripe
What is this command for?

Code: [Select]
cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz > core64.gz
It creates a new  initrd  that combines a 32 bit root file system with 64 bit kernel modules. This will allow you to boot a 64 bit
kernel and run the 32 bit extensions you have installed. If you have any 32 bit kernel module extensions installed, you will need
to add the 64 bit versions too.

For example, if you have  alsa-modules-5.4.3-tinycore.tcz  installed, you will also need to install  alsa-modules-5.4.3-tinycore64.tcz.

The 64 bit kernel can manage more than 4 GB RAM, but the 32 bit applications are still limited to 4 GB of RAM. So, if you have a
machine with 16 GB of RAM, the kernel can allocate all of it to running applications (4 GB max per  application).

This type of setup will run 32 bit applications only.

Tinycore does not support running 32 and 64 bit applications at the same time.

Offline mocore

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Re: Tiny Core Management / Gerenciamento do Tiny Core
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2020, 09:12:31 AM »
Hi marcelocripe
What is this command for?

Code: [Select]
cat rootfs.gz modules64.gz > core64.gz
It creates a new  initrd  that combines a 32 bit root file system with 64 bit kernel modules.

in a word  : concatenation ( Concatenação )



« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 09:17:25 AM by mocore »