, this is microcore booting on win32 (via colinux) so it runs at native
This forum had a co-linux thread but like many things it was completely
un-explainable and mainly gargage requiring people to know all about
command line syntax and christ knows what and the guy posting
it then never even uploaded a finished tinycore win32 exe File.
To get this up to GUI level is literally 10 minutes of the forums time
hooking it into a GUI pipe using "Xming"...
please can you do this hookup and upload the resulting win32 .exe file.
i simply cannot believe that this has not yet been done by the community
in the years it's been around...and even possible.
I looked at "Xming" but it wasn't too straight forward but i believe
a youtube video shows how to do Xming in this exact scenario with
a TTY linux that needs GUI fying-up.
THis is a NO BRAINER application of the Tinycore distro....a distro suited perfectly
to this nomadic piggy backing onto win32....