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Author Topic: colinux version of tinycore  (Read 3993 times)

Offline cast-fish

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colinux version of tinycore
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:37:57 PM »

Hi , this is microcore booting on win32  (via colinux) so it runs at native

This forum had a co-linux thread but like many things it was completely
un-explainable and mainly gargage requiring people to know all about
command line syntax and christ knows what and the guy posting
it then never even uploaded a finished tinycore win32 exe File.

To get this up to GUI level is literally 10 minutes of the forums time
hooking it into a GUI pipe using  "Xming"...

please can you do this hookup and upload the resulting win32 .exe file.

i simply cannot believe that this has not yet been done by the community
in the years it's been around...and even possible.

I looked at  "Xming" but it wasn't too straight forward but i believe
a youtube video shows how to do Xming in this exact scenario with
a TTY linux that needs GUI fying-up.

THis is a NO BRAINER application of the Tinycore distro....a distro suited perfectly
to this nomadic piggy backing onto win32....



Offline gerald_clark

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2015, 11:03:26 PM »
So do it.

Offline curaga

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2015, 05:01:25 AM »
Not many of us use Windows...
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2015, 07:02:14 PM »

Uh yes. Perhaps it's an excercise that will help me, indeed.

Really though, it's similar to booting tinycore from Dropbox via the "Cameyo" website and Mike levins "drop box" tinycore build.(Cloud booting tinycore)......

....though again in Mikes tinycore scenario it's not stacked up to a "Gui" tinycore. (just tty)...command line.
But i know how to install a gui into Microcore so. ......

It's not clear to me how to present the above tinycore-colinux tool....... as a finished ".exe file" for people to execute on windows machines and use Tinycore linux.  (so )

I know you just use putty and Xming. Then open the IP that the "tty colinux" window is gatewaying into....open it inside a Putty pipe. Then you connect with X11 forwarding inside..... Xming. (Client to server)

Persistance would perhaps already have been catered for.......... in the build linked above......

You see, a build of tinycore like this co-linux idea....... runs at native speed.

It should not take overly long for me to do.

Not Sure if it will always be possible just to keep the TCE directory on NTFS although i aint sure.



Offline cast-fish

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2015, 04:07:03 PM »

Just to kind of add reason to the thread above.

Currently , 57 percent of the worlds computers run windows operating
system on them.   5.3 percent of the worlds computers run Linux.

For the record, that generally means it's like spoken language or something
where you enter into a country where nobody speaks it (that's TInycore land).....in this scenario,that country would be the world wide web...and computing consumers....and you could empower all the above figures
into your product so easily......right

 your product really gets into the mainstream a lot more via colinux. Well it gets to potentially half of the world of computers it wasn't getting to before.....
Kind of nice really.

Hope that it has some meaning to you.



Offline gerald_clark

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2015, 04:18:28 PM »
Core is a toolkit, not a plug and play distro for the linux illiterate.
Building CoLinux is not a trivial task, and running it requires admin privileges.
Just use virtualbox.

Offline mocore

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2015, 07:55:34 AM »
Core is a toolkit, not a plug and play distro for the linux illiterate.
Im reminded a little of adminspotting ...( a spoof take on the monologue from the start of the film transpotting )
`Choose your future,Choose sysadmining`

Offline cast-fish

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Re: colinux version of tinycore
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2015, 11:58:04 AM »

I will take a look as it interests me. The youtube 2 mins
videos actually show you how to do it.

Then when you execute a GUI program from the Linux
command line....and X11 window opens on the windows
desktop and the program runs, for example, Abiword.

The persistence thing is detailed but would not initially be
an issue for simple testing.

I will have to take a look since it would be real handy
to have TCL running alongside windows indeed.

but then again....Qemu does a great job....