Got a little further.
According to Michael Herger (the developer of LMS) LMS can detect which distro it is running on and adjust the different path accordingly. As it does not recognize microcore it needs modules.conf in usr/sbin
So after doing:
tc@box:~$ sudo cp -p /etc/squeezeboxserver/modules.conf /usr/sbin/modules.conf
It got further - but now once again complain about some perl stuff. I don't quite understand - are the perl modules needed different from what are available?
The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech Media Server:
AnyEvent (loaded <not found>, need 5.202)
Audio::Scan (loaded <not found>, need 0.93)
Cache::Cache (loaded <not found>, need 1.04)
Class::Data::Inheritable (loaded <not found>, need 0.04)
Class::Inspector (loaded <not found>, need 1.16)
DBIx::Class (loaded <not found>, need 0.08112)
Data::URIEncode (loaded <not found>, need 0.11)
Date::Parse (loaded <not found>, need 2.27)
File::BOM (loaded <not found>, need 0.13)
File::Next (loaded <not found>, need 1.06)
File::Which (loaded <not found>, need 0.05)
IO::String (loaded <not found>, need 1.07)
Image::Scale (loaded <not found>, need 0.08)
JSON::XS::VersionOneAndTwo (loaded <not found>, need 0.31)
LWP (loaded <not found>, need 5.805)
Log::Log4perl (loaded <not found>, need 1.23)
Path::Class (loaded <not found>, need 0.17)
Proc::Background (loaded <not found>, need 1.08)
SQL::Abstract (loaded <not found>, need 1.56)
Text::Unidecode (loaded <not found>, need 0.04)
Tie::Cache::LRU (loaded <not found>, need 0.21)
Tie::RegexpHash (loaded <not found>, need 0.13)
Time::Zone (loaded <not found>, need 2.22)
URI (loaded <not found>, need 1.35)
XML::Simple (loaded <not found>, need 2.15)
To fix this problem you have several options:
1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan Some::Module
2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc.
3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all required CPAN modules.