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Author Topic: Update: PicorePlayerV10 = Squeezelite on piCore with SSH, WiFi and set-up script  (Read 101310 times)

Offline sbp

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Hi Thanks for using piCorePlayer.

I have already included your suggestion in the a version.
But I still have to decide which kernel to use - so stay tuned.


Offline sbp

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Hi please try the new version.

Your suggestion about custom ALSA settings after reboot, has been added.

Greg rewrote much of the cgi-scripts and web-pages, and the web-server is now busybox httpd server.

Get it from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/picoreplayer/files/insitu/piCorePlayer1.17/piCorePlayer1.17.img/download 


Offline gpulido

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Sorry for the delay, It is great to have the ALSA settings.
Would you mind how can I persist it?
I had modified the alsamixer value, and set on the ALSA output level setting on the picoreplayer "Custom ALSA output level" but the level is still reset after reboot.
What am I missing?
Again, thank you for your awesome work and support.


Offline lykkedk

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Hey...  :)

Maybe ask the quistion, over at @slimserver forum

Otherwise, use amixer, and set lines for volume in /opt/bootlocal.lst eg.

Amixer sset 'youre card here' 123 unmute etc... Etc..

Remember to do filetool.sh -b - this will save the line(s) in /opt/bootlocal.lst also after reboot...


Offline djw

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I have just downloaded v1.18b tar file, and have a Raspberry Pi B+ with HifiBerry Digi+, specifically for the purpose of turning it into a Squeezebox using your great software. I'm having a few noob teething problems.

I have been able to get the tinycore booted on the RPi by loading the contents of mmcblk0p1 folder onto the SD card, but picoreplayer is 'not found' when I type that. I have seen early posts with command line instructions (e.g. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?97046-Announce-Squeezelite-a-small-headless-squeezeplay-emulator-for-linux-(alsa-only)&p=732506&viewfull=1#post732506).

Are those still current / necessary once I'm at the tinycore shell prompt? 

Sorry for the probably dumb question but I'm new with this stuff and confused / wary enough to ask before blindly trying it.

Any/all help gratefully received :)

Offline sbp

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Hi thanks for trying piCorePlayer.

I think the easiest way is simply to plug in a LAN cable, then boot your raspberry.
Next from another computer open your browser and go to the IP address of your piCorePlayer, something like or similar.
Then you should be able to change all the settings you need to change.

To find the IP address of your raspberry, you can look in your routers log or use something like "Advanced IP-scanner" there is a link on the piCorePlayer web-page.


Offline djw

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thanks for the reply Steen!

Unfortunately I'm not yet at the stage where I can see the picoreplayer on my network via my browser.. (I can see other things, e.g. my wireless printer, router set up pages).

My issue is (I think) in getting the Pi B+'s Micro SD card set up properly.  1.18b unzips into a 'mnt' folder with 'mmcblk0p1' inside it and then:

inside that.  My current basic question is how to configure the Micro SD card - if I just copy the whole mnt structure into it the Pi B+ doesn't boot up (green light on solidly, no output to TV via HDMI).  If I just copy the contents of the 'mmcblk0p1' to the 'top level' of the SD card the Pi boots into tiny core, I can see the prompt on my TV and seemingly interact with it via keyboard, but if I type pcicoreplayer at the prompt it says 'not found'.

So when I get to the tinycore prompt as above do I then still have to do the steps in italics below to get things up and running?  Is it right that the necessary files are nested 2 folders down in the tar file and I should ignore that structure?  Or have I possibly got some other problems?

Thanks for your patience with me/this.

As Picore is running in read only mode om a partition called mmcblk0p1 you need to make another partition where it can have all the configuration files and the extensions and the Squeezelite player.
In order to make such a partition I did this (It was here I had the most difficulties) Each line is the commands I used:

fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
n new
p primary
2 partition number 1-4
6 first cylinder
+20M I made a 20 MB partition for this - you could choose any size you want (up to the CF-card size)
EDIT I Forgot the following two lines in my first description
t change partition Id
83 linux file system
w to write the changes to the card

sudo reboot

Next I formated it to the ext4 format:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p2

sudo reboot

Then you need to define where Picore will find your extensions, you do that by this command:

And then you choose 2= /mnt/mmcblk0p2

Download Squeezelite and put in a writeable place like mnt/mmcblk0p2, you can so that by this command

wget http://squeezelite.googlecode.com/fi...zelite-armv6hf -P /mnt/mmcblk0p2

Then I had some problems that squeezelite would not start - it turned out that I had to allow it to be executed - using this command
chmod 755 /mnt/mmcblk0p2/squeezelite-armv6hf

You need to install Alsa, flac libmad and libvorbis. You do that by using the package manager in Picore called tce. Therefor at command promt write:
s search
a (a in order to search for Alsa) then Enter
select alsa.tcz (at present no 4) enter
q quit
i install

s search
f (f in order to find flac.tcz (present no 9)) Enter
9 enter
q quit
i install

s search
l (l in order to find libmad.tcz (presently no 57)) Enter
57 enter
q quit
i install

s search
l (l in order to find libvorbis.tcz (presently no 88))
88 enter
q quit
i install

sudo reboot

Then in order to automatically to start Squeezelite everytime the Raspberry reboot, you need to add this program to the bootlocal file which is used for this purpose.

As I have been doing this without GUI the only editor present is the vi editor, which also gave me a hard time. But these are the command you have to use:

sudo vi /opt/bootlocal.sh
Then pres i (for insert)
then move the cursor to the first empty line and write:
sudo /mnt/mmcblk0p2/squeezelite-armv6hf -a 80:4

Press "esc" in order to get out of "insert mode"
Then type
:wq and Enter - in order to save and exit vi

These changes is not actually written to the bootlocal.sh file (as it is in read only mode) but insteas the changes is saved another place and during reboot used - so in order to get Picore to save these changes and use them the next time you reboot you have to do a manual backup.

So at command promt type
filetool.sh -b

And now you can reboot and your Raspberry should start Squeezelite. I have tried different Alsa buffer sizes and I think that 80:4 is fine - for me the Squeezelite is in perfect sync with both a Duet and A Logitech radio, if I use to high values like 500:4 or 200:4 the sync is not as perfect. Using 50:4 resulted in some stuttering in the sound

Now you have a dedicated very small Squeezelite player, which boots very rapidly, it doesn't use swap and can survive that you just pull the power plug - so it is almost as an embedded hardware player, like a Duet.

Offline sbp

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Hi, you don't have to do all this.
You only need to download the picoreplayer1.18b.img.
Next you burn this image to your SD card (I use win32discimager. https://sites.google.com/site/picoreplayer/home/links ).
That's all, now you simply use this SDcard in your raspberry and boot, then it should show up on your network.


Offline sbp

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Hi all.

Greg and I are happy to release a new version.

Here is the changelog:

  • Kernel updated to 4.1.6 with a possible important USB fix for those using Schitt Modi 2 audio box (or similar).
    Added tab, so it is easy to jump from one piCorePlayer to another present in your system.
    Re-added the controls allowing you to skip tracks and adjust volume up/down.
    Automatic select the correct timezone (depending on your location based on IP geo-location).
    Added a "mode" tab at the bottom of the "Main Page" allowing us to present more or less options/settings on the pages.
    Improved wifi on/off logic, so now a reboot is not needed anymore.
    Added a normal cron job option.
    Improved boot speed.
    Numerous bugfixes.

Please report your findings as always.

Please notice the new options on the screenshot below:

« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 03:30:03 PM by sbp »

Offline Greg Erskine

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December 12 2015

Please try the new release (piCorePlayer 1.22).
Ralphy has been a great support and help during the development - so thank you very much.


  • Updated kernel 4.1.12.
  • Updated piCore (even faster booting).
  • Touchscreen support improved (the official raspberry 7" touchscreen).
  • Calibration file included.
  • Jivelite can be installed from webpage.
  • VU-Meters can be changed from webpage.
  • New high quality default VU-Meter made by forum member Kolossos - thank you very much.
  • Backlight on/off (Jivelite settings/screen/screensavers/when stopped/Display off ) then the backlight will be off when not playing, and on when you touch the screen.
  • Ralphy is providing two versions of squeezelite. The basic version which is shipped with pCP allow playback of pcm, (wav/aiff), flac, mp3, ogg and aac. It is only 1 Mb in size. The ffmpeg version is bigger (12 MB) and allows in addition playback of ALAC and WMA via build in ffmpeg. In the Main page you can choose which version you will use.
  • After customizing Jivelite you need to save your changes to the next reboot. This is done on the webpage ("advanced tab" in the bottom and choose "backup").



This software has been around for a couple of years now, but has a fairly low profile at diyAudio.

Steen & Greg

Offline beerstein

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Hi: Until today I still do not know how the PiCore Player system works:
What RASPI board do I need? Vers B, B+, B2, A ??
What hardware add on board (sound card) do I need? What is the name of the brand and where can I buy it?
Which OS needs to be copied to the sd card?  MicroCore plus something else?
What is Sqeezlite?

Sorry for the simple questions but I tried to figure out how that project works but was not able.
What do I need from Logitech?
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline bmarkus

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Hi: Until today I still do not know how the PiCore Player system works:
What RASPI board do I need? Vers B, B+, B2, A ??
What hardware add on board (sound card) do I need? What is the name of the brand and where can I buy it?
Which OS needs to be copied to the sd card?  MicroCore plus something else?
What is Sqeezlite?

Sorry for the simple questions but I tried to figure out how that project works but was not able.
What do I need from Logitech?

Visit piCorePlayer WEB:

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Offline beerstein

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OK Thanx -
So I just need a PaspberryPI B,or B+ or B2 plus a sd card. I will download the piCorePlayer and dd the image.
So far so good. But what is the " 2. A running Logitech Media Server which you can connect to".
Is that a piece of software or a hardware add on?

Thank you for your help.
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline cnpdk

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December 12 2015

Please try the new release (piCorePlayer 1.22).
Ralphy has been a great support and help during the development - so thank you very much.


  • Updated kernel 4.1.12.
  • Updated piCore (even faster booting).
  • Touchscreen support improved (the official raspberry 7" touchscreen).
  • Calibration file included.
  • Jivelite can be installed from webpage.
  • VU-Meters can be changed from webpage.
  • New high quality default VU-Meter made by forum member Kolossos - thank you very much.
  • Backlight on/off (Jivelite settings/screen/screensavers/when stopped/Display off ) then the backlight will be off when not playing, and on when you touch the screen.
  • Ralphy is providing two versions of squeezelite. The basic version which is shipped with pCP allow playback of pcm, (wav/aiff), flac, mp3, ogg and aac. It is only 1 Mb in size. The ffmpeg version is bigger (12 MB) and allows in addition playback of ALAC and WMA via build in ffmpeg. In the Main page you can choose which version you will use.
  • After customizing Jivelite you need to save your changes to the next reboot. This is done on the webpage ("advanced tab" in the bottom and choose "backup").



This software has been around for a couple of years now, but has a fairly low profile at diyAudio.

Steen & Greg

Hi Steen and Greg

Thanks for providing this great player.

I have three installed here at home and they are always on so that they only need to be controlled from phone/tablet/LMS-webinterface. Unfortunately this level of comfort demands my power-amps to be always-on.

So one suggestion for a future change that would make it perfect for my use:

Could you make it part of the release to toggle one of the GPIO's according to the on/off status of the player as controlled from the LMS.

This I would use to control power for the amps driving my speakers.

Best regards

Offline Paul_123

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So one suggestion for a future change that would make it perfect for my use:

Could you make it part of the release to toggle one of the GPIO's according to the on/off status of the player as controlled from the LMS.

I thought they had a polling script that would monitor the status through the LMS cli interface and toggle the GPIO through the use of shell scripts.   

If not, I have this functionality compiled into the squeezelite application.  GPIO pin is selectabe via a command line switch.