seems like theres some confusion, so im currently editing this to go-over everything ive done.
okay so heres exaclty what i did: i installed tinycore to my hard drive. everytime the system shuts down or reboots, where it normally says sending processes the kill signal, the screen glitches up and i see this every time:

that has always been like that since i installed. anyways after i posted this, i got the instructions for installing xorg from linux user. so i exited to command prompt and of course i get what you see in the above picture. so instead i had to start tinycore with the boot option text. then i connected to wifi and installed the 3 packages exactly as linux user said. then i went in and removed the boot option text and then i get the previous stated error hopefully this clears up some confusion. heres another pic showing startup:

my video card is MagicMedia 256XL video card by NeoMagic
my computer is sony vaio pcg-9211
i have stock everything
64mb ram, 11gb hardrive.
there is one partition with tiny core on it.
i currently do not have a swap partition
thanks ~|-micro-|~