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Author Topic: Xorg problems PLEASE RE-READ FIRST POST!!  (Read 17532 times)

Offline microzee

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« on: January 05, 2013, 05:46:24 PM »
seems like theres some confusion, so im currently editing this to go-over everything ive done.

okay so heres exaclty what i did: i installed tinycore to my hard drive. everytime the system shuts down or reboots, where it normally says sending processes the kill signal, the screen glitches up and i see this every time:

that has always been like that since i installed. anyways after i posted this, i got the instructions for installing xorg from linux user. so i exited to command prompt and of course i get what you see in the above picture. so instead i had to start tinycore with the boot option text. then i connected to wifi and installed the 3 packages exactly as linux user said. then i went in and removed the boot option text and then i get the previous stated error hopefully this clears up some confusion. heres another pic showing startup:

my video card is MagicMedia 256XL video card by NeoMagic
my computer is sony vaio pcg-9211
i have stock everything
64mb ram, 11gb hardrive.
there is one partition with tiny core on it.
i currently do not have a swap partition

thanks ~|-micro-|~
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:49:32 PM by microzee »

Offline Rich

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 08:57:05 PM »

Offline Rich

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 10:31:12 PM »
Hi microzee
Currently  getFlash11.tcz  seems to be broken, it's been reported here:

Offline LinuxUser01

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 10:52:31 PM »
There has been an issue downloading GetFlash11.tcz from the Apps Browser for several days now and hopefully it will get resolved soon. This issue shouldn't conflict with download GetFlash.scm from the Scm Apps since these two browsers (Apps Browser and Scm Apps) are totally different. If you are downloading GetFlash11.tcz from the Apps Browser, make sure you set it as OnBoot. So then every time you boot up your system flash is already installed. Now your laptop has the MagicMedia 256XL video card by NeoMagic, so the video drivers you'll need is "xf86-video-neomagic.tcz" to be installed first before you try installing Xorg. You'll need to go into console by pressing "CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE" and type tce-load -wi xf86-video-neomagic.tcz. This command will download the drivers from the distro and install it as OnBoot. Then after your video card is installed you should download and install Xorg by typing tce-load -wi Xorg-7.5.tcz and also tce-load -wi graphics-3.0.21-tinycore.tcz since Xorg needs this as well. Hopefully this is how you do it since its been awhile for me and hopefully someone will help you further and correct any mistakes i have made on this post before you start this. Another thing, i would of used a flash drive to install TinyCore, not sure if you installed it on your harddrive, but it would be so much easier to keep this OS on just a 2-4GB flash drive so incase you make any mistakes you can just format it and start over.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 10:54:39 PM by LinuxUser01 »

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2013, 11:59:49 PM »
mp3 files and other similar data do not belong into /home but should be stored anywhere on a mounted partition (you could symlink them to home though, if you must).
The boot codes you mention are advanced options for advanced users who know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it.
Preferably stick with default backup for persistence.
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline Rich

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 12:20:10 AM »
Hi microzee
edit: dont i need to remove xvesa from the onboot.lst?
Your  /home/tc/.xsession  file will run  xorg  instead of  xvesa, so it doesn't matter.
and cant i do the commands using the "apps" app and just make sure there all onboot?
You can't install xorg while xvesa is running, they will conflict with each other. That's why you have to switch to
the console for this.
opt=sda1 home=sda1
If you do that, be sure to remove all references to  opt  and  home  in your  /opt/.filetool.lst  file.
or is it possible/should i make the whole hard drive persistent?
It's possible, but non-standard for Tinycore, and you won't get much support.

Offline curaga

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 07:42:52 AM »
Use the "text" bootcode.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline Rich

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2013, 10:08:00 AM »
Hi microzee
Boot the CD. When you see the  screen with the F2, F3, F4 message, enter:
Code: [Select]
tc base norestoreThat should get you back to a desktop.

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 10:43:34 AM »
mp3 files and other similar data do not belong into /home but should be stored anywhere on a mounted partition

so your saying partition my drive (11GB) leaving a small part for tinycore, and the other part for data? and then if i want permanent apps install them to the new partition?

No need for partitioning, you can just make a dedicated data directory on existing partition.

Looking at the specs of your machine, to run all those heavyweight apps you intend to, I'd also recommend you make a swapfile.

How much RAM do you have at current?
Please post output of:
"grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo"
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline microzee

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 05:46:05 PM »
i currently only have the stock 64mb ram, was thinking about buying 2 128mb sticks. anyways ill post output when i get a chance. also how would i go about creating a dedicated data directory? im guessing theres something in the wiki :P and i only have one  11GB partition that contains tinycore.

Okay i was able to get in using the tc base norestore boot options on the live cd, and i removed the text option from the hard drives extlinux.conf. it still doesnt boot and gives me:

Failed in waitforx

and then im in command prompt.
from doing a bit of googling i came across this:


not sure if that helps, didn't really understand except maybe i installed in wrong order or something??
should i maybe:
Remove Xserver from .filetool.lst
remove Xvesa.tcz from onboot.lst

i went through the Xorg.0.log and found 2 errors:

Failed to load neomagic_drv.so
Failed to load module neomagic

screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.
fatal server error:
no screens found
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 06:34:00 PM by microzee »

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2013, 07:12:06 PM »
Afraid to say that trying to run whatever apps you have mentioned so far (a file manager excepted) with 64MB sounds like sheer madness to me.
Instead of trying to fatten your system, you should closely observe memory usage - I'd suggest installing watcher and/or htop - to prevent an "Out Of Memory" condition and start with apps as light as possible.
Running Xvesa should be possible but consumes a big proportion of precious available RAM which could be otherwise used for apps.
Either way, I'd suggest creating a swapfile of 128MB.

"mkdir /mnt/partitionname/dirname"
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2013, 07:36:28 PM »
Remove Xorg related entries from onboot.lst
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2013, 08:18:22 PM »
Xorg for what reason?

...and that's not what you said in your earlier post...
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline LinuxUser01

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2013, 08:20:52 PM »
So while you were in the desktop and tried pressing "CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE" nothing happened. Okay, so try "CTRL+ALT+F1" and if F1 doesn't work, then try F2 with the CTRL+ALT combination. That should get you into console from the desktop. Apparently Xorg is not recognizing your video card drivers. So when you typed in that command with "xf86-video-neomagic.tcz", what were the results? Yes, i think tinypoodle is correct on the swap file, it may help your memory issue in a way.

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: a few question: Flash, mouse, and xorg
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2013, 08:30:37 PM »
Treating people in the open source community who offer free tech support with disrespect hasn't gotten anyone very far.

And while dealing with borderline hardware limitations may actually be a challenge for some (including myself), users looking for advice being rude and ignorant are closing otherwise open doors themselves...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:18:16 PM by tinypoodle »
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)