Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Thanks for the best Boot Code ever
I agree, bourne shell has some very clumsy syntax. I ignore such parts that I don't understand :)
I find those parts of sh are logical once you know them. I hear it's similar for perl once you get to know it.
--- Quote ---Posted by: curaga
« on: 2012-10-21, 09:35:32 »
This highlights a lack in our docs, I believe :)
Core is not even close to being as complicated as many other distros, but it does have many nice tricks like that. If even experienced users like coreplayer2 find new old things, that to me says docs aren't up to snuff.
If only there was enough time ;) I've had this idea of writing a book on Core, fully current for one release, with chapters describing the internals, some on projects to use Core for, some focusing on boot time etc. I was thinking both the pdf and ascii sources would be freely available online, dead tree version available at some cost.
Sadly, at least 'til christmas uni is taking all of my time, weekends too.
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--- Quote ---Posted by: roberts
« on: 2012-10-21, 10:18:27 »
Our system has matured and settled down from the frantic pace of early development.
A book would be most welcomed. Curaga, I would encourage you to do so.
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--- Quote ---Posted by: curaga
« on: 2012-10-21, 11:20:28 »
I was going to request topics, and also if anyone wanted to contribute chapters. But as it is, I haven't even yet gotten to prototyping asciidoc for that purpose.
I've written man pages in asciidoc, and so far I really prefer it to any alternate formatting systems, like latex and docbook. It would seem suitable to do books in as well, given that O'Reilly does so.
But anyway, with no time there's no time. Any comments appreciated of course, just don't expect any progress this year ;)
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Hmmm... maybe this topic warrants at least a thread of its own?
I'd been sort of hoping something like this would come up, even knowing that Core was a bit of a moving target. It does seem to have settled down a bit lately.
Perhaps the remainder of this year can be used by the community to compile a wish list of topics and and a volunteer list of those who would contribute chapters or other assistance. Put my name on the latter list.
in the spirit of talking ideas.....I have one for more experienced maintainers to consider, if you can understand me
Lets pretend I am a simple user....check
Lets pretend I use APPS panel to do my updates instead of using the command line....ok
If a maintainer, in the info file, or in a forum is recommending that some post-install action may be needed,
---could the maintainer have a post-install script that interacts with APPS to alert the user of that possibiltiy
-----and if there is already a post install action script, how does a newbie know its been done,
---------in case it impacts on other things?
I am thinking some kind of echo script like
echo 'see forum or wiki if you need something or use something or don't have something etc'
I am not an expert and don't want to name any packages as I think that might be inflaming.
We don't want useless messages displaying on every boot.
Read the info panel.
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