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if you are referring to me, I am not sure I was suggesting any such messages at boot. I am only talking about the possible messages maintainer might want users to see when they update thru the APPS panel

I can see my suggestion was not understood so shall blame me the sender so don't worry.

How would the apps panel installing an extension differ from tceload -iw ?
Something that displays once, and then never appears again would be confusing.
How would you go about displaying it again?
Isn't it better to read the info file?

I regret posting this but lets pursue it to its natural death eh?

I am making a suggestion about using APPS for updates .........not installing a fresh tcz.

If the suggestion has no merit, please consider this suggestion withdrawn, I don't want you wasting time pondering it.

I shall spank myself virtually for wasting your time....sends virtual beer to Gerald so no hard feelings impied

I'm not trying to discourage you.  You said you wanted to talk over an idea.  I am just trying to get a clear idea of what this suggestion was to accomplish.

ahh ok

well this the issue as I see it, in my mind

Someone becomes  a convert to TC
then uses APPS panel to do their updates
(but does not research any info file for a reason----below)
upon receiving updates thru the panel they are not aware that there may be some info that just missed out on.

OK so the reason why they use the panel, is because thats a tool that is available and in my mind, if it should not be used in the way I described above, we need better docs.......Yeah

sidetrack issue 1) I am not suggesting I am the expert here
sidetrack issue 2) Now when newbies read or don't read the info file, they may be using the wiki.....so wiki needs improving sometimes ....eh?

We are not talking installing or research new software to install, We expect that a search for a package or provides a executable or has a tag.......leads the newbie to read the info file.

So what I was wondering, can APPS receive a post-install script on updates alerting them to information the maintainer would like to impart. I am aware that maintainers can already have post-install scripts but due to the nature of that script, it tends to be absolute and not offer cautionary advice.

(more waffle) And some people, using APPS panel will open 2 panels at once,
upon seeing the list of packages to click on .....to update
they click into the second panel to browse....search package name and read the info.

Now if that was only one or 2 packages newbies (like me) might do it, but what if the list was long such as when a key lib package changes and onflow packages depending on it then update?

We all have time issues and my suggestion would require (I assume) a change to TCB to allow "on update" messages
--if in doubt, each tcz might need to have a post-install terminal -e echo type message but that might be pushing my luck?

is that clearer?


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