Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Thanks for the best Boot Code ever

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I have to say, thanks for this boot code 


this, this above boot code has decreased my USB boot process tremendously, cut to a fraction of the previously used waitusb=5.   Another benefit of this boot code is seen when the Label has been corrupted (renamed etc) where a countdown will be presented, providing system feedback (beside the obvious accidental Label rename).

I know bmarkus is a heavy supporter of Labels, am sad to say I never gave enough respect to Labels before.  However all that has changed, now I understand the importance of Labels. 

Thanks again


--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on October 19, 2012, 08:42:15 PM ---waitusb=5:LABEL=TINYCORE

--- End quote ---

Impressive.  I wonder if other "mountable targets" like UUIDs are valid.

Hi genec
Yes, you can replace  LABEL  with  UUID


--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on October 19, 2012, 08:42:15 PM ---I have to say, thanks for this boot code 


--- End quote ---

great contribution!
on my old 1,6ghz-one-core-notebook i could decrease the boot-time from 8,6s to 3,9s now.
that's a noticeable speed improvement.



sorry but best boot code ever?
Not if you are filesystem is on normal hard drives, meaning not USB drives.

but I would say, that a candidate for most unique bootcode ever.....one that AFAIK no other Linux distro can offer.....is a bootcode that allows you to choose which sound device you have enabled at boot up.

As you can see this too is subjective because most people do not have 2 sound devices to choose from eh?


and it goes without saying but will say it,

thanks for this bootcode as well.


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