Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Thanks for the best Boot Code ever

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Our system has matured and settled down from the frantic pace of early development.
A book would be most welcomed. Curaga, I would encourage you to do so.

I was going to request topics, and also if anyone wanted to contribute chapters. But as it is, I haven't even yet gotten to prototyping asciidoc for that purpose.

I've written man pages in asciidoc, and so far I really prefer it to any alternate formatting systems, like latex and docbook. It would seem suitable to do books in as well, given that O'Reilly does so.

But anyway, with no time there's no time. Any comments appreciated of course, just don't expect any progress this year ;)


--- Quote from: curaga on October 21, 2012, 11:35:32 AM ---This highlights a lack in our docs, I believe :)

Core is not even close to being as complicated as many other distros, but it does have many nice tricks like that. If even experienced users like coreplayer2 find new old things, that to me says docs aren't up to snuff.

--- End quote ---

It could also indicate that once experienced users get a setup that works, there's little need to learn new things until the setup needs to change. Not, of course, that I'd argue about the quality of the docs, and if/when you write that book, I'll be buying a copy!

reading the source is often better than any documentation.
especially if everything is an easily accessible shell script.

Hi hiro

--- Quote ---reading the source is often better than any documentation.
--- End quote ---
Yes, but only if one can comprehend the source. I do very little scripting, but can usually get the general idea
of what's going on in a script. However, in order to fully understand it, I often have to start Googling to figure
out what all the  $##*  type syntax does.


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