Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Thanks for the best Boot Code ever
--- Quote from: aus9 on October 20, 2012, 07:37:37 PM ---
but I would say, that a candidate for most unique bootcode ever.....one that AFAIK no other Linux distro can offer.....is a bootcode that allows you to choose which sound device you have enabled at boot up.
As you can see this too is subjective because most people do not have 2 sound devices to choose from eh?
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I think such a bootcode might be sound system specific, when core has no sound system in base and offers 2 different sound systems treated equally as extensions...
LEE that is cool too ;D
Never occurred to me that you could combine the two, I use a similar boot code to specify two separate versions of core via separate tce directories, am going to try your method thanks
Lee, I think you are confusing waitusb= with tce=.
--- Quote ---Lee, I think you are confusing waitusb= with tce=.
--- End quote ---
You're right. Looks like one of those "senior moments". I can use that excuse now that I'm old enough that the AARP wants me. :)
This highlights a lack in our docs, I believe :)
Core is not even close to being as complicated as many other distros, but it does have many nice tricks like that. If even experienced users like coreplayer2 find new old things, that to me says docs aren't up to snuff.
If only there was enough time ;) I've had this idea of writing a book on Core, fully current for one release, with chapters describing the internals, some on projects to use Core for, some focusing on boot time etc. I was thinking both the pdf and ascii sources would be freely available online, dead tree version available at some cost.
Sadly, at least 'til christmas uni is taking all of my time, weekends too.
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