Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Thanks for the best Boot Code ever

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You can do this on other distros, too.
What if your 2 devices use the same driver?

OMG. A spinning hard drive?  That's archaic... 

But I'll give you that if you have a rare PC with two audio cards then that boot code might be a contender.. 


--- Quote ---What if your 2 devices use the same driver?

--- End quote ---

quite possible, true....but then you would probably be using a model=string to differentiate between them, I hope


--- Quote ---I have to say, thanks for this boot code

--- End quote ---

I use 30 seconds on my USB sticks -and- on my hard drives.  That way I can use an almost identical menu.lst (for grub4dos) on whatever I boot from.

The wait time is cancelled as soon as the device is recognized, so it doesn't cost me any time.  But if something is seriously fouled up, and the device never comes on line, 30 seconds gives me plenty of time to notice something is going on and take control of the situation.

FWIW, I rarely see it count down even one second before recognizing a USB stick and cancelling the wait time, though it wasn't always so.

And yeah, that's the coolest boot code ever because I can specify a subdirectory on the device:

--- Code: ---waitusb=5:LABEL=cruzr0/boot/core4.6.2/tce

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---waitusb=5:LABEL=cruzr0/boot/core4.7rc3/tce

--- End code ---

for two entirely separate distributions on the same usb stick.  -That- is cool!


--- Quote ---OMG. A spinning hard drive?  That's archaic...
--- End quote ---

If you spin those old things too fast, all your bits will fly off the edges.  That's why there's more data on the outer tracks than the inner ones.  :)


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