It would be most helpful to state which specific extension that have devaited from the preferred standard /usr/share/pixmaps as per the wiki. Otherwise I must search 4052 extensions!
i not quite understand why need search such number of extensions
now as far as i was able i analyzed code of old and new versions of /usr/bin/ondemand
and it seems to me that if correct line 165
having done this as it was in old version
[ -e "$ICONCHECK" ] || ICONCHECK=/mnt/test/"$ICONCHECK"
it will be work with any path to icon in X-FullPathIcon key as in previous tinycore versions
Now that specific extensions were finally submitted. Lets check the code for the prior ondemand as per suggestion:
First an scm. Lets look at chromium=browser.scm
grep X-F /mnt/test/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop
We find the specified icon is located here:
The icon is not where the suggested code would indicate, /mnt/test/$ICONCHECK, i.e,
In fact every scm would fail to get an icon using the prior ondemend code !
Ofr course the old code works for a tcz, lets look at a non-standard tcz as suggested:
grep X-F /mnt/test/usr/local/share/applications/meld.desktop
We find the specified icon here:
The existing code from prior ondemand using /mnt/test/$ICONCHECK
Works as expected.
This is precisely why I asked for example extensions that failed.i.e., use cases; not code.
The suggeasted code from prior ondemand does not work any ANY scm extension.
scm extensions need an additional filter in order to support non-standard pixmap locations, e.g.,
[ "$TYPE" == "scm" ] && ICONCHECK="${ICONCHECK#*$APPNAME/}"
Thanks for submitting some example extensions as that did save me from searching through the many extensions in both repositories.