Ok, once again I saw a failure. So what I have done is adjust the gtk2.scm, dejavu-fonts-ttf.scm to hopefully fix this, it is working here. I have changed the making of the one symlink /usr/local/share/fonts/dejavu that points into the dejavu-fonts-ttf.scm, and instead am linking into /opt/scm/share/fonts, same as /apps/share/fonts. That way the base system is not modified, as keeping a pristine system is one of the goals of the scm format. And that /usr/local/share/fonts/dejavu symlink would interfere with the installing of the tcz version of that package, as if the dejavu scm was installed and then uninstalled, that dead symlink would perhaps prevent the tcz from getting loaded and linked correctly.
The fixed gtk2.scm and dejavu-fonts-ttf.scm are uploading now.