Hi, Guys,
I have been having fun figuring out what distro might best bring this ancient HP laptop (433 MHz Celeron with about 160 MB RAM) back to life. Puppy works but is rather quirky to install and seems prone to kernel panics for no reason that I can figure out.

Antix is quite nice, especially using Fluxbox as the WM, but it's still a tad slow on this machine.
I think that Tiny Core may be the ticket for me, but I cannot figure out how to get this set up because all I have for networking is a D-Link (Atheros-based) PCMCIA wireless card. The laptop is so old that it has no Ethernet port.
The Wiki seems to suggest that given the version of the kernel TC uses, there's no native Atheros support and I'd still have to compile Madwifi. I thought of trying to get the Madwifi stuff onto the laptop via a USB thumb drive, but apparently I still need some files from the TC repo in order to get compiling going, is that correct?
Anyway, if somebody can give me a walkthrough on how to do this, or at least put me out of my misery and tell me it's not possible, I'd appreciate it. By the way, I'm not a Linux newbie, but I'm not the most technical user, either, so be gentle.