Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

Gnome-MPlayer Extension - Request for Advice

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I'm hoping that a regular TC packager might be able to provide some advice.

I have built an extension of gnome-mplayer which is working OK.  When partnered with Mplayer-nodeps.tcz and edna.tcz it produces a music playing system at a very acceptable resource cost.  It is very close to fulfilling what I want.  Almost...

Presently, it displays an icon in the panel notification area.  Hovering the cursor over this icon displays details of the currently playing track.  What I would like to achieve is for the change of track event to generate an on-screen pop-up display of this information.  This is the way it works in Lubuntu is it possible in TC3.1?  Are there any suitable extensions in the repository? 

I don't know how it's done there, but if you can set a trigger at the song change, flnotify can be used to show the message.


--- Quote from: curaga on November 16, 2010, 07:29:20 AM ---I don't know how it's done there, but if you can set a trigger at the song change, flnotify can be used to show the message.

--- End quote ---
Thanks for the tip.  I found flnotify just before reading your post.  It is not visually in keeping with my extension but will assist in testing - if I can find how to trigger it..

I have also found notification-daemon.tcz but have no idea how to use it and there are no instructions in the TC repository.  The app web page is unclear to me, the app does not have a help reference or docs, and the menu executable (/usr/local/bin/notification-properties) generates a segmentation fault.

Perhaps there are other extensions that may also be used.  I'm open to suggestions and also on the way in which to trigger the track change on-screen-display.

Arslan S.:
notification daemon is accessed with dbus signals and i don't know how to use it directly

but there is an easier alternative notify-send (libnotify.tcz)

--- Code: ---notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimedia
--- End code ---

please note that i didn't check if notify-send needs notification daemon running


--- Quote from: Arslan S. on November 16, 2010, 09:15:59 AM ---...there is an easier alternative notify-send (libnotify.tcz)

--- Code: ---notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimedia
--- End code ---

please note that i didn't check if notify-send needs notification daemon running

--- End quote ---
I am unable to get this working.

In summary:
TC3.1 machine.
No missing dependencies.
notification-daemon.tcz is listed in OnBoot an the machine is rebooted.

How to tell if the daemon is running or failed?
dmesg | grep notification returns nothing.
ps -A does not indicate the daemon is running.

How is the daemon started?
/usr/local/bin/notification-properties returns:

--- Code: ---Segmentation fault

--- End code ---
dmesg | grep notification returns

--- Code: ---notification-pr[4101]: segfault at 0 ip b6951b84 sp bfe8bd60 error 4 in libc-2.11.1.so  b68df000+13d000]

--- End code ---
ps -A contains

--- Code: ---4105 tc       dbus-launch --autolaunch 34aec1d9e8b09257197e553b00000028 --binary-syntax --close-stderr
4106 tc       /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session

--- End code ---

Any of the following fail presumably as a result of the segmentation fault.

Machine rebooted
sudo notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimedia returns no errors
aoss gnome-mplayer returns

--- Code: ---Failed to open connection to session message bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-JsJT1tCvnF: Connection refused

--- End code ---

Machine rebooted
sudo /usr/local/bin/notification-properties returns

--- Code: ---Segmentation fault

--- End code ---
sudo notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimedia returns no error message
aoss gnome-mplayer returns

--- Code: ---Failed to open connection to session message bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-FMb4DJtjl5: Connection refused

--- End code ---

Machine rebooted
sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start
sudo /usr/local/bin/notification-properties returns

--- Code: ---Segmentation fault

--- End code ---
sudo notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimedia returns no error message
aoss gnome-mplayer returns

--- Code: ---Failed to open connection to session message bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-cFbvy8jYsE: Connection refused

--- End code ---

Machine rebooted
aoss gnome-mplayer returns no errors, works OK and returns no error message.


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