Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

Man pages compressed?

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--- Quote from: hiro on January 03, 2011, 04:11:35 PM ---Also, now that nobody knows how to read all the different types of manpages anymore, developers have started to simply include all the documentation inside their executables. They now have options called --usage, --full-usage, --short-help, or --long-help. Try to compress that away...

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IMHO it is not the case. Nothing wrong with manpages regarding formats, they are still readable on 'big' distros I use. What is happening that man pages are loosing importance due to available storage capacity, bandwidth and alternative formats, like pdf or HTML. Novadays it is much more easier and common as well practical to create pdf from any system on any platform, while creation of man pages requires extra work.

However, man pages are still alive and provided by many packages. It is good question wheter they are uptodate or not. Specially usable for the classic LINUX tools.

Look at the busybox manual as an example for what I said.
What you say is true of course as I've also been using a lot of man pages on debian. Most tools still have them, although some are getting too long or outdated. And I don't want a different reader for every program. Even a web search is easier than that.
But creating man pages is not by any means difficult. Why should it be any extra work?


--- Quote from: hiro on January 04, 2011, 06:11:01 AM ---But creating man pages is not in any means difficult. Why should it be any extra work?

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I'm writing docs in WORD and publishing in pdf. Do you have a 'Man page printer' ?

I don't know what you mean, nroff, troff?


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