Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

Man pages compressed?

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Just submitted updated man.tcz which now supports .gz .bz2 and .xz compressed man pages. xz is provided by base, so xz compression do not need any more dependency or the more advanced xz.tcz extension but gives smaller result. So I propose use of xz.

posted, thanks bela! I'll go with xz for man pages too (and already have)... makewhatis and apropos didn't work in man-1.6f, would be worth figuring out if they do now :)


--- Quote from: gutmensch on January 03, 2011, 04:12:57 AM ---posted, thanks bela! I'll go with xz for man pages too (and already have)... makewhatis and apropos didn't work in man-1.6f, would be worth figuring out if they do now :)

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Well, lets collect some feedback and I will check the other uses. I'm using man pages only not apropos, so to be honest I did not test it :)

I think man pages were once a very powerful tool. It's definitely the way to document a programming environment with all it's tools and libraries.
But now that modern application's man pages are often longer than a full-blown book, I seldom find meaningful documentation inside them.
Because of this and various "standards", i.e. gzipped man pages, html files and other undocumented formats, I have stopped caring and now use today's equivalent of grep to search through dozens of exabytes of data first, and then get all the information I need, but more up-to-date, shorter and easier to read.
Also, now that nobody knows how to read all the different types of manpages anymore, developers have started to simply include all the documentation inside their executables. They now have options called --usage, --full-usage, --short-help, or --long-help. Try to compress that away...


--- Quote from: hiro on January 03, 2011, 04:11:35 PM ---developers have started to simply include all the documentation inside their executables. They now have options called --usage, --full-usage, --short-help, or --long-help. Try to compress that away...

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What about UPX?


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