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TCB Talk / Re: wishlist for TCL16
« Last post by Rich on December 07, 2024, 09:00:02 AM »
Hi Juanito
... but that makes Curaga, Rich and yourself that are for it/not against it, so we could try it.
I never said I was for it.

To be honest, I had concerns there might be conflicts, but I couldn't find any examples
at the time. Since I couldn't provide any examples, I didn't raise any objections.

I preferred:
/bin/  =  Base
/usr/bin/  =  Unique to distro (tce-load, tce-audit, etc) and basket case hard coded stuff.
/usr/local/bin/  =  Extensions

I like the separation and it works.
TCB Talk / Re: wishlist for TCL16
« Last post by GNUser on December 07, 2024, 08:57:13 AM »
Hi Paul_123. I assumed the ldconfig in base system was either part of BusyBox or a shell script by Robert, but I just checked and it seems to be neither. So I have no idea where it comes from. That's not a silly question.

Can one of the other developers shed light on where the ldconfig in base system comes from?
TCB Talk / Re: wishlist for TCL16
« Last post by Paul_123 on December 07, 2024, 07:54:29 AM »
Silly question, ldconfig is not part of core scripts.  If it’s not from glibc, where does it come from?
Extension requests / Re: EDE
« Last post by Sashank999 on December 07, 2024, 07:21:29 AM »

I liked the screenshots so I tried to compile it. Being an old project, it definitely as issues as the C++ in project has exception declarations in function names which are deprecated by C++ standard and gcc. The syntax of rsvg-convert has also changed, used in this project.
In order to avoid others wasting their time, I wrote 2 scripts to compile edelib and ede. You need to execute this to get the dependencies:
Code: [Select]
tce-load -wil compiletc automake libX11-dev python3.9-dev jam dbus-dev
I can say that EDE is barely working. Or it may be ok for people who have the time to configure it.
TCB Talk / Re: wishlist for TCL16
« Last post by GNUser on December 07, 2024, 05:13:38 AM »
Hi Rich. If we go with usr merge, it would decrease the number of available places to put executables in base, somewhat simplifying this problem.

For base, the options would be /usr/bin or /usr/sbin. So ldd can stay where it is (at /usr/bin/ldd) and ldconfig would be moved from /sbin/ldconfig to /usr/sbin/ldconfig.

Is there a reason why glibc_apps.tcz uses /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/lib rather than follow our convention for extensions and use /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin, and /usr/local/lib? It was either an oversight or the intention was to overwrite the versions in the base system.

Since some users may be using the glibc_apps.tcz version of ldconfig, TCL scripts should either a) use only flags that work with both versions of ldconfig or b) if the two versions of ldconfig can coexist on same system, force the base system version by using full path.
TCE Talk / Re: How do you track your finances?
« Last post by core-user on December 07, 2024, 05:12:36 AM »
I've used a spreadsheet for years now, easy to set up, (even sc on the cli), either Libre Office Calc or Gnumeric.....

(CLI Spreadsheets => https://lock.cmpxchg8b.com/spreadsheet.html )
TCB Talk / Re: wishlist for TCL16
« Last post by GNUser on December 07, 2024, 04:50:23 AM »
Hi Juanito. I'm glad you are willing to try it. I think you'll like it. If not, we can just go back to the traditional filesystem layout and put the usr merge idea to rest.
TCB Talk / Re: wishlist for TCL16
« Last post by Juanito on December 07, 2024, 02:00:19 AM »
I’m not that keen as the current setup doesn’t cause me any problems, but that makes Curaga, Rich and yourself that are for it/not against it, so we could try it.
Corepure64 / Re: Phantom Key - CorePure64 12.0
« Last post by Santos on December 06, 2024, 11:21:28 PM »
For sure, I'll try newer versions. I hope they provide and enhanced experience. The overall components of the laptop were released almost two decades ago!
TCE Talk / How do you track your finances?
« Last post by Santos on December 06, 2024, 11:18:46 PM »
I use TC as my daily driver. Love it.

I started with a very old computer which helped me through high school and even university, until it finally gave up and died (sad times). Over time I learned how to better utilize hardware with the right tools, like compiling LaTex using a very low end android device, chroot and a bluetooth keyboard while on-the-go at the university.

The point I'm trying to make is that now, I would like to do my computing in the most universal and portable way: going bare-bones. Bookkeeping is now part of my new endeavor.

Asking LLMs and checking wikis, apparently  sqlite  is the way to go. I tried to just go away with  busybox awk  and CSV files, but learning  sqlite  doesn't sounds bad. I don't want to waste time and efforts. If you have a better suggestion please share it.

Also, can you tell me how you keep your finances in order? LibreOffice, gnucash, Google Docs... pen and paper?
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