Some wired ethernet adapters require firmware to be loaded in order to work.
Went to my main computer, HP, 1G RAM, 40G HD.
Have XP, with /pmagic (Parted-Magic) booting, in sda1.
Have Ubunto, with /tinycore 3.4 and /tc booting, grub2, in sda5.
Have sda6 as large data, ext2.
Have sda3 as Swap Linux.
FireFox runs OK,
. . . does not show a shutdown error.

Booted from the TinyCore 3.6 Live-CD and the error message returns.

Well, not a 'show-stopper' by any means.
Maybe some config setting shuts-down a driver early.
Also, Geany drops a "socket-box" file occassionaly, locking Geany.
Wonder why ?
Perhaps I am opening the same file.txt twice ?
Little things for the curious minded,

Thanks for the comments.
