added usbwait=10 on the append line - right before the word quiet - perhaps usbwait=20?
Unless you have usb-1 (as opposed to usb-2), I would have thought usbwait=10 would be enough.
Where do you check to see if it loaded on boot
Use apps audit "onboot". If perl5 is listed, then it should load on boot. You can also check for the existence of /tmp/tcloop/perl5
Then I click BACKUP setting - find the USB drive and type sdb1 (USB) - no slashes.
It accepts that (used to error out), or should I type /sdb1 or sdb1/tce or /sdb1/tce or /sdb1/tce/optional etc. or 
"sdb1" should be OK, but again, it is not obvious that your usb stick will called sdb1 on every boot, hence it is better to use a label or uid to identify your usb stick.
but its FAT32
Ah-ha, it would be much better if it were formatted ext2. There are freeware ext2 drivers available for windows (eg that allow you to read/write files to usb sticks formatted ext2 - although you need to format the usb stick ext2 in linux.
3. WHEN I have Perl loading correctly at boot, is there a file or method to execute a Perl script at boot? I could use a TIMEOUT or something ??
again, use /opt/