It seems that Grimaldo has taken to heart some of the complaints made about his Tiny Core Sourceforge website.
For one he has changed the name to Tiny Core Linux Metadata with the stated purpose that:
This project produces metadata for Tiny Core Linux ISO images.
and he also says in the files section that:
This project was founded and created by Robert Shingledecker.
(C) 2008,2009,2010,2011 Robert Shingledecker.
Furthermore he now offers source code:
These files are provided here for your convenience. Be aware that this source tree may or may not be up to date at any given time. For Tiny Core Linux information, support and the complete file repository including source code please refer to the Tiny Core Linux site at If you have any problems acquiring the source code please feel free to send me an email at and I will mail it to you on DVD-R for cost of postage and production(*).
Source for the metadata is the ISO, and the code that creates the metadata is not released yet.
•= (DVD-R distribution offer is valid for at least 3 years from the date a file was first posted)
Finally his main project that was called Boothorn Distros which was essentially a remaster of TinyCoreLinux to download distro iso files and add them to a startup grub menu has now had almost all the files that cantained any Tinycore code removed. This is probably a followup to his desire to release his Boothorn Distro using another base system due to the flame war between the two projects.
I think that this is a classic case of someone trying to learn from mistakes and trying to do something to correct some of them. It may not satisfy everyone ... that remains to be seen ... and so much bad blood was created that I don't know if it can ever be dissipated, but this does hopefully start to move things in a better direction. I think both sides have said a few things that they wish they could take back but it is probably too late. I do hope that in the end cooler minds will prevail when and if solutions are found to satisfy everyone.
For the record ... I am not trying to support either side over the other in this issue and I have no direct connections to either side in the dispute. I just hope to see peace restored, if that might be possible.