General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
Is TC a good distro for this...
The Tiny Core operating system runs from ram.
You could start by installing Tiny Core on a cd. After connecting to the internet, install the apps you want.
If that works, you may want to make a new cd containing the apps you use.
Ah great. Thanks guys. I'm downloading now.
Hi new2tc
If it has a USB port you can leave the CD as is and save your apps to a pendrive. That's
how I run one of my laptops.
Hi Rich thanks I know its the best way but my old laptop doesn't boot from USB :( I burn a lot of coasters playing around with it.
Hi new2tc
It doesn't have to boot from USB. Stick a pendrive in the USB port, boot from the CD,
and save your apps to the pendrive, unless of course you enjoy making coasters.
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