General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
Is TC a good distro for this...
Ah sorry gotcha now. Yeah that's an idea. I don't know that I've got anything to save maybe my skype directory. Thanks mate.
Hi new2tc
You would save the Skype app and it's dependencies, and maybe you might want
to add a browser or some other apps.
--- Quote from: new2tc on February 24, 2011, 01:19:45 PM ---Thanks guys. I'll burn a CD and give it a try. Damn thing doesn't boot from USB. Does TC create a ramdisk when booting from CD and can I control the size?
--- End quote ---
By default TC runs in a tmpfs with size 90% of RAM.
Try Puppy. Its light, but has a nice feature set, and isnt as spartan as DSL. You shouldnt need a special "flash" install distro. AFAIK, theyll all install, and the media is irrelevant.
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