I have two laptops on my desktop, A and B; each booted by Tinycore 3.3, each with a normal NIC network interface card. They both work well; I wish a simple solution to transfer files between them, let say from /testA on laptop A, to /testB on laptop B; Now I am using an USB pen-drive, as an intermediary media; I wish to use just a network cable between them, no hub or router, no security is needed.
Please advise what software (tcz extension) to use on each laptop, and how to configure them, to have at least a unidirectional transfer, from A to B; Is it a complicated solution to have bidirectional transfer simultaneous?
Sorry, if the solution is in the forum, please show me the link;
Thank you very much. Nick
Edit: with two relative recent network cards, a normal cable is enough; then tftpd service from TC base is a quick solution. Not necessary the best one; Topic is not closed...see Maro solution, like utilising the BusyBox applets of 'nc' and 'tar'