@tweetyhack: I tried to reproduce your crash, but so far I have not been able to see it. I tried to re-create your path under /tmp instead of /mnt, (/tmp/sda1/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/Limewire/Saved) and put some files there and could browse them and launch associated files.
Then I installed the ntfs-3g.tcz and mounted a XP partition (harddisk, not USB drive). I am able to browse the partition with no crashes and launch associated applications (music player, picture viewer) for the files on the NTFS partition.
I also tried to directly open to the mounted partition:
tc@box~$ fluff "/mnt/hdc2/Documents and Settings/mike/My Documents/My Music"
This worked OK for me too.

Maybe there is something different about running TC from a USB drive? Or your NTFS partition is corrupt in a way you can't easily see, except Fluff does not handle it OK? I don't know what else to try to do to isolate the problem and see if there is a reasonable fix.