I've tried for the past 3 hours to get persistence working. It's really beginning to p*** me off.
I'm using a USB stick install of TCL.
I've setup a FAT32 partition on the USB stick and have 'run' syslinux on it to make it bootable.
I've got the bzImage and tinycore.gz images on the stick as well and I can boot into TCL from the USB stick without any problems.
The stick shows up as /dev/sdb1.
However, I can't - for the life of me - get the PPR/persistence working.
I've tried to boot tinycore tce=sdb1 like the 'Core Concepts' said. It boots okay but there's no record anywhere of the packages I installed from the last session.
I've tried manually adding a 'tce' directory to the root directory of the USB stick and then repeating the above. It didn't work either.
I've tried what seems like zillions of other combinations but I can't see to get the damn thing to work.
I see from the forums that other people apparently have had no problem with this.
I would REALLY appreciate an explanation (line by line if possible - maybe add it to the FAQ?) of how to do this as, so far, my experience of TCL has been somewhat frustrating.

Kind regards