thanks for your reply!
yep, it´s exactly like you wrote:
... if you set beaver ondemand and re-boot and try either "beaver" or "sudo beaver" from a terminal, nothing will happen ...
... hence a description called On
Demand doesn´t really fit, does it?
nevermind, i see it makes sense as gui apps load on clicking their icon. my point is, i could imagine a more refined behavior making it OnDemand for shell commandos.
Running tce-load as root has nothing to do with being able to use sudo after an extension is loaded.
sorry, my question should have been: why must root not call tce-load?
this has been an issue for me in a previous ext2 installation, where file permissions didn´t allow the tc user to tce-load anything. i reinstalled tc and it works, so i must have screwed it, i just wondered why root isn´t allowed to install anything... i mean... it´s ROOT!