I really like Tiny Core linux, and I'm customizing a USB-install for myself.
I'm using TinyCore 2.3, and have installed urxvt, and the deja vu fonts.
I have the following lines in my .Xdefaults (I copied them from my ubuntu box):
URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:antialias=true:pixelsize=13
URxvt*boldFont: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:style=bold:antialias=true:pixelsize=13
But, when I start up urxvt, I get the message: "Unable to load base fontset, please specify a valid one"
Do I have to set up X to use "xft", or am I not specifying the font correctly?
I found the "fc-list" program, and it recognizes the DejaVu fonts:
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Bold
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed:style=Condensed Bold Italic,Bold Italic
DejaVu Serif,DejaVu Serif Condensed:style=Condensed Bold,Bold
DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed:style=Condensed Oblique,Oblique
DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique
Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Oblique
DejaVu Serif:style=Bold Italic
Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Roman
DejaVu Sans:style=Bold Oblique
Luxi Sans:style=Regular
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Oblique
DejaVu Sans:style=Oblique
Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Bold
DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Oblique
DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed:style=Condensed Bold Oblique,Bold Oblique
Bitstream Vera Serif:style=Roman
DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Light:style=ExtraLight
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique
Bitstream Vera Sans:style=Bold Oblique
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Roman
DejaVu Sans,DejaVu Sans Condensed:style=Condensed,Book