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Author Topic: missing lib Installing Conky  (Read 2092 times)

Offline Shurrike

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missing lib Installing Conky
« on: May 04, 2010, 05:00:09 PM »
I have installed Conky in my TC 2.11 running on USB Pendrive, installing from tce/optional, the appborwser say some like "error ....  xtension.tcz invalid params"
after that I open CLI and type "conky" and the response is some text like "can not find share library libiwi.so.29 ..."

Im a newbie only 3 days TC experience.

What I should do?

-I donĀ“t remenber exact text of every error message-

Offline maro

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Re: missing lib Installing Conky
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2010, 07:05:47 PM »
Hmm, that sound all a bit weird and I'm afraid you might have to repeat your test and record precisely the error messages you are observing.

I've re-done your test somewhat by booting a "plain" TC 2.11 system (without any persistence, i.e. "cloud" mode) and installed 'conky.tcz' (via command tce-load -wi conky). Starting and running 'conky' went without a hitch, so I'm surprised about your problem. Furthermore I'm surprised about the error you reported since I get the following result:
Code: [Select]
tc@box:~$ ldd `which conky` | grep libiw
        libiw.so.29 => /usr/local/lib/libiw.so.29 (0xb7f06000)
That means that the 'libiw.so.29' library required by 'conky' could be found as '/usr/local/lib/libiw.so.29'

Generally speaking it would be a good idea to use the CLI to download and install extensions, since you could then post the entire response here. Doing this would give us a better chance in troubleshooting your issue. I suspect that something is not working correctly with regards to your USB pen drive, but we would need to know the details of your setup.

Am I correct to assume that you have tried to load via the 'appbrowser' a locally available extension? For this the respective CLI command would be: tce-load -i "$(cat /opt/.tce_dir)/optional/conky.tcz". To receive further help you might want to supply us more details including the setup of your pen drive.

Offline Juanito

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Re: missing lib Installing Conky
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2010, 12:37:43 AM »
Using the appbrowser should usually ensure that both conky and its dependency wireless_tools are both downloaded and things would work as intended.

Maybe the download was somehow interrupted - you could try rebooting with the boot option "base" deleting /tce/optional/conky* and /tce/optional/wireless_tools* and then trying again to install conky with the appbrowser.

Offline Shurrike

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Re: missing lib Installing Conky
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2010, 12:43:24 AM »
Cool, tested the command tce-load -i ...... for conky and well fine, but just after actualize my optional folder with new files.tcz. All seems that have been corrupted files .tcz, because when I was copying new files, the older files was smaller than the new.

the error for Xlibs_support was:
mount: mounting /dev/loop4/ on /tmp/tcloop/Xlibs_support failed: Invalid argument

the same with:

so thanks