Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

MC with ssl web browser

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It's rather hard to beat opera 9 with no deps; midori and arora are lighter themselves, but if you add in their deps, they might be larger.

Java - even compressed, java 5 was near 40 mb. Java 6 is even larger.

The user experience won't be good if you're swapping before even loading the first site..

Thanks for the reply

I guess my next question is do i need a windows manager or can Opera start from command line on boot up If so how can i do this.

I know it's a tight squeeze with only 16mb hard drive space, But i like a challenge.
I realize these thin client are not the best one to work with, but if I can make it usable like a net appliance for on-line email, e bay and simple web surfing that would be great.  ;D   a really cheap alternative for a second PC, very limited but cheap.

I am a total n00b, wish I would have started learning Linux years ago.

I spend most of my days repairing M$ crap, Change to Ubuntu 8 month ago, so my command line is lacking. But i am willing to learn!

I enjoy open source, it has come a long way. and with MC/TC it is a great base to start
I like load to ram approach, it's like a brand new OS every time you boot.

also i did find some 256mb ram that i can replace the original 32mb

I really appreciate everyone help. 


Hawkknite :P

Did find a interesting browser that may be able to work on TC called Hv3

don't think it has Java but web pages look good. and it has been compiled for puppy linux



--- Quote ---I guess my next question is do i need a windows manager or can Opera start from command line on boot up If so how can i do this.
--- End quote ---
You don't need a window manager, you can use a web browser as the 'window manager'. Here is a link to a kiosk thread with some info about this:http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=2954.0

16MB may be a little small for what you are trying to do. To be able to put everything you want into 16MB you will need to remaster and take out all the parts of MC that you don't need (ie unused modules, binaries). Doing this can reduce the size of MC further (2-4MB depending on how much removed). Also Busybox can be rebuilt with only what is necessary for your system, this should reduce size also.

I would recommend using at least a 32MB flash drive, you will have a bit more room to play with, though using java may still be a problem. What about using a networked drive? Or manually downloading and installing each extension upon boot with bootlocal.sh? If you have 256MB RAM you should have enough room for everything you want, though the boot time will be slow.

Hv3 is written in TCL, so it's by definition slow; also the html engine likely won't interpret latest sites well.


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