Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

MC with ssl web browser

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FYI, the default wm is probably much lighter than jwm.

I recall a quick comparison was done with the previous jwm (stable) that was in the base, during runtime after startup... and was only a small difference in favour of flwm*.  (sure, that's a naive test, but compiling statically doesn't really paint a true runtime picture either).  Assuming one is using TC (or equivalent), other base utilities use fltk.

If jwm could have been compiled better, by all means, please share (see TCE section) ;)

The reasoning behind TC using flwm over jwm is here:


[Edit]: For some reason I was linking the 2.0rc1 thread, when flwm was presented as alternative in 2.0rc2

libs not used by the browser - this is highly subjective, with enough digging I bet there's a browser using fltk or imlib2.

Interesting topic, but /me wonders the necromance when OP last posted in Jan. Carry on..

Does that apply to any version of jwm? >= stable?  (And by TCE section, I meant to post there, but that's alright)

heh.. might've noticed if I read more of the thread (which was probably obvious) - but point taken curaga ;)


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