Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

MC with ssl web browser

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Is it possible to use MC with ssl browser!

I guess you need more info.

I have 20 Neoware capio 611 and i would like to make them web kiosk's without a server.
I know you can use links.. and dillo2 but they look kinda corky. (not for normal user)

problem #1 16mb flash, i know i can upgrade flash, but trying to keep cost minimal
problem #2 32mb ram, have to ugrade not an option. do have a few 64mb & 128MB so-dimms
problem #3 Browser with SSL, probably have to use opera, unless someone knows a lighter
browser that look good with ssl compatable w/MC
problem #4 No Usb Boot (I can use HP t5000 to write the neoware Flash)

OK is it even feasable to do.
I am new here and i enjoy TC/MC
but i am new with linux, so i'm not that great with remastering...
I spend most of my days repairing M$ crap.

Thanks for any info

Opera supports https connections.
Is there a specific question here?
Have you tried running TC on these machines?

Thank for to quick reply


16 mb ata flash drive is all i have to work with.
and how to start opera automatic with MC

Please keep in mind i am a n00b


32mb ram, no, you won't be running any kind of big-ish X app there, not even Opera. With so little ram, the best way would be to use them as thin clients (which is coincidentally what they were designed for :)).

Thanks for the reply

The issue is not ram I have ram I can swap out 64MB and 128MB

the issue is putting Micro Core on the 16mb Flash and boot to a web Browser (opera)

I would rather not use opera it's not really free, But I'm limited on space, ssl works ebay lookes like ebay
Java is OK, don't need flash, only what required for online banking.

If there is another browser smaller than opera, that looks good and will work on MC please let me know.




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