Could a few of the more complicated usage examples be provided for the tce-audit command.
Usage tce-audit: {builddb|dependson|requiredby|nodepends|audit|auditall|delete|marked} extname
To build the database of dependices you need to specify dir, e.g.:
tce-audit builddb /mnt/hda2/tce/optional
To check for missing denpendencies on all extensions you need to specify a dir, e.g.:
tce-audit auditall /mnt/hda2/tce/optional
To display all extensions that have no dependencies you need to specify a dir, e.g.:
tce-audit nodepends /mnt/hda2/tce/optional
For all other reports use the full path, e.g.:
tce-audit requiredby /mnt/hda2/tce/optional/webkit.tcz
tce-audit dependson /mnt/hda2/tce/optional/midori.tcz
It is much easier to use appsaudit which loads up the path and makes selecting and reporting via the GUI very nice.
Of course using shell's edit capability of 'up arrorw' and 'tab completion' makes the cli easy as well.