Since this took me a while (and several blank dvd's) to get right, I thought I'd share it with other tinycore users.
Supposing you want to backup several folders and their contents to dvd and preserve permissions, long file names, leading dots (hidden files) and multiple dots and:
The folders you want to backup are named:
1. /mnt/sdb1/d_drive_ntfs/My Documents/Digital Photos
2. /mnt/sdb1/d_drive_ntfs/My Documents/User Name
The names of the folders on the dvd will be named (if you don't do this, the contents of the top level of each folder to be backed-up will be placed in the root ("/") of the dvd):
1. /Digital_Photos
2. /User_Name
Your dvd drive is named /dev/hdb
$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/hdb
$ growisofs -Z /dev/hdb -R -J -allow-multidot -allow-leading-dots -l -pad -graft-points "/Digital_Photos=/mnt/sdb1/d_drive_ntfs/My Documents/Digital Photos" "/User_Name=/mnt/sdb1/d_drive_ntfs/My Documents/User Name"