Raspberry Pi port, piCore-15.0 is available!
Where are the list of tools that are found in the desktop menu in the default wm? How ould one get those into the xfce4 menu system? Since they are such an integral part of tc I think they should be in there by default in xfce4.
<Menu label="Tools"> <Program label="Add to Bootlocal"> exec /usr/bin/add2file /opt/bootlocal.sh</Program> <Program label="Add to Filetool"> exec /usr/bin/add2file /opt/.filetool.lst</Program> <Program label="Add to Xfiletool"> exec /usr/bin/add2file /opt/.xfiletool.lst</Program> <Program label="Apps Audit"> exec appsaudit </Program> <Program label="Screenshot"> exec /usr/bin/screenshot.sh </Program> <Program label="Picture Viewer"> exec /usr/bin/flpicsee </Program> <Program label="EXT Swapfile"> exec /usr/bin/swapfile </Program> <Program label="Make tclocal File/Directory"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "TC Make tclocal" -e sudo /usr/bin/mktclocal </Program> <Program label="Make Crypto Home File"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "TC Make Crypto Home" -e sudo /usr/bin/mkcryptohome </Program> <Program label="TC Terminal Server"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "TC Terminal Server" -e sudo /usr/bin/tc-terminal-server </Program> <Program label="Time Via Internet Time Server"> exec sudo /usr/bin/getTime.sh </Program> <Program label="Top"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "Top" -e /usr/bin/top </Program> <Program label="Vi"> exec aterm +tr -T "Vi" -e vi</Program> <Program label="USB Installation"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "USB Installation" -e sudo /usr/bin/usbinstall </Program> <Program label="Update Extensions"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "Update Extensions" -e sudo /usr/bin/tce-update </Program> <Program label="Xkill"> exec /usr/bin/xkill </Program> <Program label="Xvesa Setup"> exec aterm +tr +sb -T "X Setup" -e /usr/bin/xsetup.sh </Program></Menu>
What happened to the Xfce4 audio mixer which is mentioned in the tips but is not in the repo?